Casper Andersen

Hey I didn’t know that, I thought aquaman was first. Hmm I don’t know if I want to watch JL in the theaters, having watched Sucide Squad and Batman V Superman later on DVD, I think the right choice is staying away.

I was thinking the same thing, they should do something like what Marvel is doing with their netflix shows and make “CW-Justice League” into a miniseries and keep it to smaller scale crossovers in the regular shows. Maybe it will have a better budget too (and not break up the story when you rewatch the individual

“I am also very glad that Legends remembered that Firestorm was more than just “hey he can fly and throw fireballs”

Yup now they just need to make Atom actually use the powers he is known for and which are arguably better than “Discount-Iron Man”.

I really enjoyed this, but it also made me think it would nice with

Wait, last I heard Anne Rice had gone born agian christian or something like that and disowned her vampire books? Has she gone back again or was I mistaken?

You know I really really want to like this movie, but all the stuff I have seen so far does not bode well.

Yeah, he looks totally wrong for the part, but his performances may fit, hard to tell from just trailers.

The tone has shifted a bit, even the weaker episodes of the first two seasons was dark and depressing in very compelling way, where this season seems much lighter. The only episode that gave me the same feeling as season 1 was “Shut up and Dance”. “Men agaisnt fire” and “Playtest” also came close, but the big turns

I don’t really like the two timelines story, it seems like it is just fan-wank. So I really hope we soon get something conclusive in that regard, either Dolores and MIBs parties meeting up just or anything to confirm or debunk that theory now.

The room where Bernard and Dolores have those talks is in the same glass

I think it was because the actor have such good chemistry that everyone, even the showrunners, fooled themselves into thinking that a pairing would be a good idea. But as we saw, the actual characters themselves do not work as couple. At all.

Yeah the first season was uneven and a tad boring in places, but they have really stepped it up in season 2 and with all the missteps in Arrow last season and Flash in this season, it is alo becoming my favorite Arrowverse show.

A total reboot wouldn’t hurt, even with the supposed cleanup of the lore in Days of future past, the whole thing still feels muddied and janky.

I am guessing it is gonna be some “nano-swarm” bullshit just like Galvatron in the latest Transformers movie

Even if they have done a lot of things with the Inhumans on the tv-show they could still do a movie about the royal family and the “true” inhumuns, as in those that have been around for much longer and fully aware of their legacy. How they can do it and not address what AoS have been doing with Inhumans is another

It also seems like Doctor Strange will play some role in Thor: Ragnarok

I am really into this show, but I also have this nagging feeling that we are being taken for a ride ala “Lost”. Like the show (and showrunners) act as if all these mysteries will have conclusion and maybe be connected. But in reality they are just pulling stuff out of their ass, for sake of being mysterious.
And the

I had to give up on this show 5 episodes into season 2, is there anything of worth beyond that point? I have heard season 2 IS supposed to be the worst, because the network fucked over Frank Darabon. But also that the show is supposed to get better after that. Is it worth my time to just skip season 2 and trudge

...the inevitable implosion of an oversaturated market...

It seems like this implosion has been pending for over 16 years now if you are to believe internet pundits. It never seems to come around though.

Even if it must be a pain to deal with her, I kinda love she is just as much of a rowdy asshole as many male players

Haven’t you seen the other comments? This article goal is to lure disguisting misogynistic pigs like you to come here and mansplain. They sure got you, comming here with a penis and dropping knowledge. Shame on you!

ah yes, they sure got us men good this time. We must bow to Jezebels vastly superior intellect. Let us ignore that the site is so godammned bananapants crazy, that it is hard to tell when something is “satire”...