Casper Andersen

Well Marvel is pretty heavily involved with the making of their movies. It has negative effects, like Edgar Wright walking out on his movie and Joss Whdon not wanting to go on being the Avengers arbiter. But the overall effect is a more cohesive tone and story across all the Marvel movies.
So, to actually attempt to

No no no, if you don’t like the movie you also hate women, Gawker has degreed it thus!

Overall Legend Of Korra was badly mishandled, I am glad we even got as many seasons as we did.

It seems Agents of Shield are gonna be using some Squadron Supreme for the next season. And since AoS only gets to play with whatever scraps they don’t use for the movies, I don’t think we will see Squadron Supreme movie anytime soon.

“I am now almost completely convinced that Lady Stoneheart is arriving this season”

No it is more like this:

“People only like this because they are Blizzard fanboys, it is simply impossible for the game to actually be good on its own merits!”

Is this real life, are you like a real person?
Ah, it is parody, of course no one can be that dense in reality.

For my own part, I found it to be what Heroes of The Storm is to League of Legends, so is Overwatch the same to Team Fortress 2.
I have never really been able to get into multiplayer FPS, but Overwatch WAS able to grab me. I think the two biggest reasons are the variety of playstyles and shorter match lengths.

Yeah Ant-Mans Pym particles are basically what the speedforce is to The Flash. A way to let him use his super power in the coolest way without having to worry about real-world physics.

I am pretty sure we are gonna see Thanos before Infinity Wars, in something beyond an after credits thing. They need to establish him as a credible threat.

My best bet would Thor: Ragnarok or Guardians of The Galaxy, both are part of the cosmic side of Marvel with inherently powerful inhabitants and more importantly

Other than G.I Joe and maybe M.A.S.K these are rather obscure franchises. Perhaps they can get a boost by being introduced in a movie from one of the aforementioned IPs, but right now i have a hard time seeing how they will make this work. Maybe if they had the balls to reboot Transformers or at least retcon it into

I hope it gets a second season, there is the kernal of a good show here, they just need to pull their act togehter in the plot and storytelling department.

First off, the showrunners only have the bare facts of what will happen, seeing it written out in detail from Georges hands will be a totally different experience. Secondly the show has already diverted so much from the books that it is more like ASOIAF fan-fiction at this point. I may be a book snob of something like

I hope this is some sort of battle gear, she needs to vamp around and chew all the scenery in the real dress

No it is *current year*.

“a prequel that explains how he became a nutjob, or a sequel that shows how meeting Wonder Woman helps him stop being a nutjob”

The thing is, that is not how Snyder sees it, in the murderverse that is just how Batman is in that universe. I have seen people trying to rationalize Batman’s murderness is because he has

Tony Stark (probably sans Iron Man suit) would be an obvious option, since he seems to have been the one to recruit Spider-Man. Similar to the Civil War comic. Also, it doesn’t seem like he will be getting a solo movie anytime soon, so him showing up as a bit character in other movies would cool.
Furthermore Phase 3

It will give us something there really hasn’t been in the MCU yet, the teen superhero. So I am ok with another round of teen Spider-Man, at least they are dropping the origin story this time around. Although there will probably be a couple of flashbacks, even if they are n0t really needed.

I spend this entire episode with a big dumb grin on my face all the Flash/Supergirl interactions were so fucking awesome.

Before this I was actually three episodes behind on Supergirl and I was able to see how it improved with each one. Supergirl started off pretty shaky and probably the weakest of the current