Casper Andersen

Deadpool works really well when he has a straight man to play off against someone that is not having any his shit. In this film Negasonic Teenage Warhead and Colossus (I loved the way Deadpool “beat up” Colossus) served that role in different but equally entertaining ways.
I think Cable would be awesome to have in the

I know I am just getting older and it is me that is out of touch, but dammit if I just can’t stand social media fame and the culture surrounding it

I think it could done if the they incorparate the betrayal of Hulk in one of the big team-up movies.
Sure him losing his wife and unborn child is strong motivation compared to just being exiled, but I am sure the MCu writers can come up with something compelling. As others have pointed out, the managed to Civil War

It would be cool if the Hulk became an actual character in the MCU, right now he is, understandbly enough, essentially an action sequence. I think he works best when Hulk himself has some personality and talks a bit. There was a glimmer of it in the first Avengers with the “puny god” sequence, but they seemed to have

He will probably turn up again, you know time travel and reincarnation and all that. Although hopefully they will turn the Hawkgirl/Hawkman dynamic around and have Hawkgirl be the one teaching him. Hopefully this will change his character too.
Although they could also completely discard him, they established in episode

The consensus among older people (older in internet time 20-30) seems to be that his content is awful and unwatchable but that he himself is an ok dude. I do too, if you don’t seek out his content there is no reason to get mad at him.
The only thing you could get mad about is how rich he has become with such vapid

I am still wating for Kyle from Blackthorne to be added to the game :-P

There seem to have been a push to make Cyborg associated with JL instead of the Titans in the animated movies and also the Injustice videogame.

Seeing that I am not based in the States, I had to watch via alternate means and I totally missed this was a two parter, so I was pretty dumbfounded once the article brings up all sorts of “spoilers” for episode two. Back to Pir- err I mean my alternate means.

Just because the marketing department is killing it with the latest batch of DC movie marketing (will it be called the DC cinematic universe, DCCU?) doesn’t mean the movies will live up to that, I hope they will, but I don’t expect them to.

I really hope the Jason Todd theory is true about the Joker, but sadly it is probably too clever and convuluted for Hollywood.

A couple of years ago I watched the first season of “Inside Amy Schumer” since I had heard good things, this was when it first came out and she had her big breakthrough. I thought it was pretty good so I started hunting down some of her other stuff and watching her talk show appearances. And I realized she had some

It is not really hate, at least not for me, I would love for these movies to be awesome. I have just not seen anything yet that makes me believe that is going to happen, so my expectations are low, even if I hope for something better.

They also came at him one by one, the Turtles streangth is as a team, they have an equally hard time taking down Shredder, unless they work together.

Not likely, the seem to primarily doing these long level 1-15 adventures, the only supplement so far is the lackluster Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide. Which seem to also serve as the only Forgotten Realms campaign settingish book so far. Although there is some setting material in the first three adventures, at least

Must be nice up there on that high horse

When I first saw I had no expectations, it was like one of those nights where I felt like going to the cinema, but really wasn’t interested in any of the things that ran. Only Mad Max sounded vaguely like something I would like.

I have been sick over the last four weeks and spend an inordinate amount of time on youtube and actually started watching some socalled “youtubers”. I found that even if I was entertained by some of it, when I took a step back it was all just pointless noise, not having a heavy fever may have also helped with this

Yeah all that buildup will let them focus on the plot and the action, since we already had all the character development in the other movies.
That being said the movies will not work without some great character moments, where they play off of each other, like the party scene in Age of Ultron.

I don’t think this will lead to a new age of space opera cinema, just look at what happened with Lord of the Rings. After the success of those movies everyone expected a wave of fantasy movies, but nothing really happened.