Casper Andersen

Yeah that pretty much sums up my feelings too, except for the cuddle parties, I think I would go for a manly hug instead:

And Ozzy will also be around for a while yet

Yeah the game feels like a step back in all areas except combat, which if I am totally honest, is only marginally improved from Fallout 3.

But in his defence, she does have a nice rack.

This sounds an awful lot like my very goth friend i used to hang out with in high school. He is a priest now.

Without him we would only really have Finn and Rey as the new team, so I am glad they kept him around.

“Show X no longer conforms to my narrow view of the world and thus I can longer watch it”, there now you don’t have to read the entire thing.

Yup, it is a very solid movie, if you don’t expect the second comming, you will not be dissapointed.

Yes, it is indeed something I should watch, RIGHT THE FUCK NOW!

What is this, I have a feeling it is something I should watch?

Patty is also pretty damn smart and should really have figured it out herself by now. I totally thought that was what they were going for with her seeing through Barry’s ruse, when he was blinded.

The first was surprisingly not terrible, not good mind you, but neither was it utter garbage as I had expected. They got the dynamic and characters of the Turtles right (except for Rapey Mike) and I actually liked the Shredder fight scenes, even if he looked super goofy.

I would much rather have a new Warcraft, I now there is lot more lore gumming up the works now, but it could be a good way to do a soft reboot and then make something like WoW 2. You can only build on the same old tech for so long, before you need to rebuild it from the ground up
Although mmo sequels rarely work, but

The actor can be whatever ethnicity they want, as long the character is american born. It could give some interesting new dimensions to have him be an asian guy trying to do his own thing and get away from the hoary “far-eastern mysticism” only to be pulled into right to an actual mystic world.

Well seems like those calling it a reskin of Zombiecide are right, it even seems like a simplified version of the already simple Zombicide.

Yeah, I had kinda forgotten about those books, I was more into Thorgal at the time I was exposed to the series for the first time. Both series could stand a re-read though, I know my local libary has most if not all of the albums, for both series.

My mom exposed me to these comics (known as “Linda og Valentin” in Denmark, “og” meaning “and”), they could be rather trippy, but also some great old-school sci-fi fun.

I never really connected to this season, the two-part format never really worked for me. And the season arc was kinda flimsy, even if the payoff was really really good, at least at the end of the episode.

I did like the resolution of Clara’s plotline, from the begining I thought her story was over at the end of last

Minutemen are as others have pointed out kinda boring quest-wise, now I haven’t completed their faction questline yet, but it seems very much to be more of the same. Also they are just genreric good guys (kinda like BoS was in Fallout 3)

Hasn’t he been promising a sequel to Bad Taste for years now?