Casper Andersen

That is similar to where I am comming from, I really want this to be good, but I don’t expect much.

Yeah I agree, but I meant it more in the way that since the shows are on two different “networks” any crossovers will be very hard to get the lawyers to agree to. No matter how connected the MCU is otherwise.

If not Agents of Shields seemed so tenously connected to the Netflix shows (like why is Jessica not on the Index, she is not exactly subtle?), I would say IGH was some sort of Hydra front.
But it would be cool to have some more sinister
groups out there, so it isn’t always just more Hydra. The reveal that the people

“No Hulk, Ant-Man, Sharon Carter, Baron Zemo, Vision or Crossbones.”
They may just be playing coy, but this trailer makes it seem like all those characters are gonna be there mostly as small cameos, maybe even just the post-credits scene.

Not really, it is more a form of hypnosis/suggestion combined with pheromones.

Yeah it was not quite like the big one take scene from True Detective last year, but it was damn close.


I went with the institute (big mistake they are a bunch of creeps), and later on you have to get a mcguffin from an old lab. Only once you initiate the reactor it spawns: like 4 Protectrons, not too hard, but right after they are dead a fucking Sentry bot burst into the room, that really had me on the ropes,

I still can’t get over Perd is a newsreader in National City on Supergirl.

I just don’t know if it is bad writing or Henry/Earth 2 Henry really is Zoom, because that shit with him going an a random trip after more than 10 years away from his son, that makes no goddamn sense.

I don’t really buy Earth 1 Henry as Zoom, the timelines don’t match, Zoom has been active for a long time. Seemingly

Nicolai is fucking blue eyed, blonde nordic person, wth?! I mean, i am proud of my countrymen getting some hollywood recognition, but this casting is just way off. Also this movie looks like a trainwreck waiting to happen.

There was an Eberron Unearthed Arcana a bit back (also a Dragonlance one), this doesn’t mean they will do those settings, but I have hope. Forgotten Realms is cool if you want some classic fantasy, but it felt stale to me even 10 years ago.

It comes down to how the intend to expand it, do we have to pay for every new hero? Or will we get free updates or paid expansions with a bunch of new heroes.

I think it woul have worked better as an animated movie to really capture the WoW aesthetic. Yes I know this is set around Warcraft 1, but they are very clearly mimicking the art style of Warcraft 3/WoW.

Most of the story from Warcraft 1 and 2 was retconned/expanded in the later games, so the reason for the orc warlike nature was the demon corruption.

“This new God of Steel doesn’t give a damn.”

So exactly like the Man of Steel Superman then?

I just want to know how fucked the PC version is, are we talking Arkham Knight or just regular? Because there is no way that a Bethesda game is gonna work properly, day 1 on PC.

And retroactively works for SPECTRE

What is this, I actually like Cisco now? He was such a grating character, that just seemed to be trying way too hard to be the cool geeky guy. But now he is actually charming and as you say have great chemistry with the rest of the cast.

As for meeting Barry or Eddie from Earth-2? I am pretty sure one of them is Zoom,

Given how long we have been without “real” Star Trek (the new movies are more their own thing) I would hope it would be set on a new Enterprise. But I would also like to see a mix of the sense of discovery and exploration from TOS and TNG and the more cohesive plot arcs from DS9 and Voyager.

It will be interesting to see what the hells Las/Andrews plan is, has his powers just made him psycho, so he is killing as some sort of compulsion or is there something bigger in play? Perhaps even someone else pulling his strings?

Though I doubt it will be any of the “real” Inhumans, since we are still so far away