Casper Andersen

So magic and shit just straight up exists in the Bones universe now?

I get it, we have been “paying” for all this free content on youtube and other places by watching ads and in some ways adblock and similar extensions can be seen as form of piracy. Not to mention with adblocks “non-instrusive ads enabled”-service we are ostensibly just letting one company be an ad-gatekeeper.

I like the Robin as Joker theory, but the rest is just pure nonsense

IMO I think the whole Superman thing would have worked better if he was indisposed or had gone missing right after Kara showed up, that way you could have some of his villains gunning for Kara too.

Well, being Scandinavian, the Get of Fenris always held an allure, even though I found them to be a bit too much about berzerker rage to make a long-term viable character out of.

I really hope that Jason Todd theory is correct (probably not, this Hollywood after all), that would elevate this version of the Joker to something truly awesome instead of the fucking mess, he seems like now.. And we would still get a real Joker at some point.

Well then you should feel right at home here at Kotaku

They need to stop the flashbacks they haven’t had anything interesting to tell in a long time, arent we also really close to the time he is rescued in the flashbacks?

I was a dum-dum and did not get it was Palmer right away

I dont think The Force Awakens will suck, but there is big risk that it will be mediocre.

I like this, they are doing the, now old hat, “dead superhero and his mantle”-storyline, without the hero actually being dead, kinda like Spiderman-Doc Ock.

Yeah Korrasami did happen, but not totally out of the closet, they were still a bit coy with it during the show.

Well if they wanted to do a Wendy origin story it would be without all the magic stuff, which is why Peter Pan works better in that regard. If you absolutely have to do an origin story with this material, that is.

Also the high tech weapon stuff the ghosts stole, came from Kord Industries, so we may get a visist from Blue Beetle at some point.

It really is a shame he cannot be a part of the MCU, so far most of the villains have been pretty weaksauce, Doom could fix that.

He would be perfect as the big bad for any potential multi-movie arc post infinity wars. That just requires Fox to play ball, so that will probably not happen.

I also liked it, it was responsible for re-igniting my interest in Transformers. Too bad things quickly went downhill after the first one (which by no means was a masterpiece).
Though for all its numerous flaws, Age of Extinction was actually an improvement over the last two films. So maybe there is a small chance

“As they waited for their scenes, the actors sat on benches at the edge of the set, stroking themselves to stay hard. Which they did–for over three hours.”

My local library used to have a lot of RPG books, the problem was they were always loaned out to the small circle of people I played with. And they also often got stolen or just never returned by those same people.

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