Casper Andersen

Clickbait (and moral outrage) is what Gawker Media is made of

Her story also felt pretty much over after last season and she was not that interesting to begin with. Cute as hell, but I hope they shake things up a bit with the next companion like the did with the new doctor.
Bring in some dudes or at least more than one companion, we have had enough pretty young girl companions

I should start using that hidden feature, right now I use the favorites tag for games I want to replay or have plans to play. I only dig into my non-favorited/pile of shame if I am really bored.

I wanted to add personal categories for all my games, but it was too daunting and now those half-finished lists haunt me

I have good experiences in my local Gamestop, but it is only because I am personal friends with the manager, he usually hooks me up with the employee discount when I buy new games.

Now playing

I have a soft spor for Continental Breakfast, the actual set-up and punchline doesn’t really work, but Jordan Peele’s performance makes up for everything:

shush, logic and science has no place in Star Wars

I don’t see the problem, it seemss like the only thing they will borrow from the comics is the concepts of heroes fighting each other. Beyond that I think there is not much else they will use from the comic.

Also killing random people is more a chaotic evil thing :-)

Yeah, the motivations are similar to those who like to play “crazy” or “wacky” chaotic neutral characters, it is all about their enjoyment and to hell with the rest of the party. I find it really disruptive as a GM and usually try to discourage it and talk with the player about alternatives.

The problem with your brand of “fun”, is that it comes at the expense of the rest of the groups enjoyment, but you will probably learn that eventually.

Wait is this an official Konami video? I thought they had scrubbed Hideo’s influence from all their PR material?

It is not a problem with the class or even the alignment, it is with the players and how they interpret Lawful Good. Most take it as an excuse to be a pushy asshole, but it is possible to play one without annoying the rest of the party.

Oh, you are one them. You know I used to be a Fishmalk too, but that shit gets really old, really quick and is mostly just an annoyence to the rest of the group. Your GM may enjoy your “wacky”
antics, but I can assure you everyone else find it groan-worthy at best and spotlight stealing at worst.

And his parents was brother and sister, like what the actual fuck?!

I tried to do all the content, big mistake. Anything outside the main quest (or quests related to your team) is a waste of time, it is just empty busywork. I actually never completed it, but when and if I go back to it, I will only do story content. And luckily I borrowed the game, so when I actually get it myself, I

Get fucking hammered, thats usually what I do at weddings

South Park handled it much better, they admitted they did not get it, but still managed to respect it while making fun of it (they pretty much share my stance btw).

Huh what about Scarlet Witch? Also Iron Man’s team seem to be more powerful. Cap’s team is made up of super spies and scrappers, where Iron Man has Vision and two IM suits as well as two of the most powerful martial artists in the MCU. Cap kinda needs Scarlet Witch to compete with that, even if he has the better

I still like it, even though I can see its faults, it almost collapses under its own weight, trying to do too many things. Some actions scenes was too close together, the Hulkbuster scene, right after the boat fight for example.