Casper Andersen

Well this is just what I mean, you have to make a lot of assumptions for most of the tech and physics to make sense or just go to the one of many (non canon) EU sources, which is pretty much the same as handwaveium.
I know that Star Wars pushes the rule of cool hard and I should excuse all its faults and just enjoy the

Well yeah ok, but he takes that to go into the upper atmosphere of a gas giant, but well that doesn’t matter either because we see people walking around outside willy nilly before that.
I guess my gripe is that some people call Star Wars “science fiction”, when it is clearly not that, it is Fantasy dressed up in a

I guess they consider ANY superhero toy as “boy” toys and adding any sort of girl figure to those lines would not sell, because boys will NEVER want to play with a girl action figure and girls NEVER play with action figures, as we all know.

Yes it is stupid and there is surely a market for it, but it may be smaller

Well yeah Hawkeye should have been flying and Widow on the Bike instead of Cap, but hey I would much rather have a set with Captain America and Black Widow minifigs :-)

Everyone in Star Wars and no, not just because of the force! “Hey lets go out in to, what to our knowledge, is the hard vacuum of space”. And leave the damn door wide open, not that it helps, I don’t think I have ever seen an airlock in any of the official movies. And how does massive constructs like the Death Star

This : “After another international incident involving the Avengers results in collateral damage, political pressure mounts to install a system of accountability and a governing body to determine when to enlist the services of the team.” Makes it seem like it is more about regulating the Avengers themselves. Even

I think the monster line is meant to imply that she chose to be made barren AND become a killer was why she feels like that, like at her “graduation” she had acquired enough skills to easily escape if she really wanted to. But not only did she do horrible things to other people, she also feels like she did it to

I tried to read Kevin J. Anderson’s Saga of Seven Suns, but I just got so frustrated over the terrible science I had to stop at book two. Too bad I got overeager and bought the first 5, before i started reading :-(

It is so over the top that it crosses right into comedy for me

That was such a weird arc, not to mention to see that in Star Trek

It was pretty boneheaded of Valve to just throw this bomb into a decades old modding community (if you count the earlier TES games), as they also have stated.

If I remember correctly they launched their kickstarters at about the same time. But yeah, the games do look alike and one could easily mistake this game for being part of the same franchise as Shadowrun Returns

Yeah, I think that was more an easter egg, despite them having very long term plans, I am sure not every detail was in place at the time.

yeah I saw that too pretty cool

Release dates on Tv shows and movies are totally arbitrary now, I mean it is not like they have to ship a print of the movie around the world anymore. Although I can see the issue with government funded tv (like Dr Who) and also many danish tv shows, I mean they are paid for with peoples taxes so at least they should

Well there are a couple of things that seem to happen sort of out of the blue in the ending


Well they did have to something different with him and as you say maybe the acting will save this. But man it is so hard to be optimistic about any of the stuff DC puts out for their new movies.

I actually have tried to get heists going with two other friends, it still doesn’t work. That mission where you have to steal a car off a boat, we had one friend and one random on that. They miraculously actually got the car and was driving away, then out of the blue the random guy jumps out of the car and instantly

And it is free on Xbox 360 if you have an active Gold account. Actually I think I am gonna just drop my plan to play all the Asscreed games in sequence and have some fun with Pirates now.