Casper Andersen

A lot of people have tried to get me into LoL, I installed it once and could not get into it, that and all the stuff you hear about its community, made me never want to get into a MOBA. But this is different.
I think the shorter playtime (the aim is about 20 minutes), curtails at least some of the toxicity. You didn’t

Yeah that fucking broke my heart, things like that are not supposed to happen in real life

I have two friends who are police officers here in Denmark, and they have vastly different protocols in regards to when they can draw their firearm. It seems american cops are taught to go straight for the gun, when under any kind of threat, where a danish cop may only draw and fire if under attack with a weapon.

Well for us not wrestling fan pleebs it was :-)

Even though I am not that interested in MMA (it is too much about holds and submissions for my taste) I think I am becoming a fan of Ronda

I think the before can be done with wardrobe, but they could also do what they did with Cap. The pre-transformation Cap was another actor with Chris Evans head put in digitally, it was a pretty seamless effect.

Shame on you, but damn it, I fucking laughed. :-/

I am glad that we don't have this tipping culture in Denmark and just pay servers a proper wage instead. The we avoid assholes like this and clumsy math to make the proper tips.

Yes yes, the majority of this hoopla is the same old fake-geek-girl "debate" and that shit is getting really old, really fast.

Well, complex subsystems are where Cyberpunk rpgs usually falls apart, I played a bit of Cyberpunk 2020 and we just did not allow hackers at all.

I am a an educated caregiver for mentally disabled people, my title is "Pedagogue", it is a mostly Scandinavian concept and our areas of expertise has been shifting a bit over the last 30 years, but I am qualified for taking care of children, disabled people, and socially maladjusted (codeword for junkies, alcoholics

I really love the Core and not in that annoying hipster way. It was a fascinating idea with a sub-par execution, we have seen outer space countless times, but deep into the earth, nope.
Yes, you need to be super willing to suspend your disbelief (OG unobtainium is one my favorites), but if you can manage that you get a

Even though I haven't tried one of the new VR headsets, I just don't see how it is supposed to be the wave of the future. Why pay hundreds, if not thousands for a huge clunky thing I strap on my head to play games? I mean most people barely tolerate 3D-Glasses at the movie theater and haven't we been down this road

Yeah, but he knows his shit, when I looked up his producer credits he was behind a lot of my favorite action movies of the last few years.

Man, is Blomkamp becomming the new Shyamalan? This does not bode well for that Alien movie.

Next in line Bioware

I don't play Destiny, so can someone clarify, the best gear is from random drops right? Why the hell did they not see that that would be what players would focus on?

They are going to be costing something insane, at the very least 100000, but more likely upwards of a million gold.

Now playing

Well yes, his whole point was, what if someone did make that dark and gritty reboot everyone fears.