Casper Andersen

I had the Autobot counterpart to this guy, Quickswitch, but he is not nearly as cool as Sixshot.

Cognitive Dissonance is a powerful force, it can make an entire nation beholden to the idea that genital mutilation is just A-Ok, because that is just the way things are done.

I love Adi Shankar's re-imaginings, he is kinda like a DJ remixing popculture instead of music. Even though this is "just" one of those gritty reboots the internet fears all their childhood things get turned into, it is also a very well made gritty reboot

With the GoT boardgame, I usually change around which house gets added with a given number of players, and have found it to work much better like this:

Also X-Wing is a better version of this system, and if Star Wars is not your thing it also comes as "Star Trek Attack Wing" and "D&D attack wing" with motherfucking dragon dog-fighting. If I hadn't invested so heavily in X-Wing I think I would have gone for the D&D version.

I tried to do a Hunter/gatherer playthrough of Skyrim, no quests or dungeons, only really simple things like the Alvor crafting quest in the beginning. I would have to carve out a living using only crafting and hunting. But I failed and did both a the Hircine quest and joined the companions.
I need to do a new RP

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Just because it is european doesn't mean it is classy :-)

Yeah I have put the kibosh on backing any more video games for that very reason. If something I am interested in end up actually getting made I can always buy it then.

Although I agree boardgames and the like is a much better fit for anything game releated on kickstarter, they do come with lots of problems on their

No, but at the same time the increasingly militarised police forces in the U.S are itching to use all their toys and any number of things can go wrong on a raid.

Well avoiding outright satire and mockery in comedy is very Japanese isn't it? A few years ago a danish comedian made a travel program about Japan, in which he wanted to discover what Japanese humor is. He went on radio programs and did a few of those "Foreigner in Japan"-shows as well as interview some comedians

Yeah most of the time it seems they try to be complete opposites, to somewhat spoil your example, Iron Man as a tech based hero fighting the magic based Mandarin, Hulk SMASH versus the intelligent and mind based Master and so on.

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And Ice-T is even a gamer, he must have had a hard time on this episode. But then again the guy who made Cop Killer is now playing a cop.

Is there any non-terrifying version of any animal in Australia?

Glad to live in Denmark, the most dangerous creepy-crawly here is probably just the tick, because you MIGHT get an infection. SPOOOOOON!

Just today I was thinking of a friend i dumped, we had began hanging out in, well I guess I can call it "High School", but it is not really the same in Denmark.
We bonded over being fans of a sort of underground absurdist comedy program. But as time went on I began feeling like I was only hanging out with him out of

It will not happen, but yes it totally should be Miles. We have had two movie versions within very short time, so a "new" take on the character would be really interesting.

This is great and all, and I am truly happy about this. But it also made me think, how well will he really fit in with the tone and theme of the current MCU?
I mean he is lot more traditional super hero in the sense that most of what he does is fighting crime, most of the other characters we have seen has been stopping

Yeah the wartable was a pointless distraction, I guess they were trying to do something akin to the galaxy map with more features, but it just came off as an early 2000s facebook game, and a bad one at that.

What people often seem to forget is that DA2 was not a bad game, just half of one :-P
For every nice thing, there was always something elsewhere in the game that sucked: yay, expanded romance options for gay characters, but then it comes off as everyone in your party being bisexual and that Hawke is some sort of

I think the game lacked these tactical choices, in the end even with all the stuff you have done, resources gathered, new allies gained, upgraded you keep, it all just dosen't really matter for the final stretch, the game just kinda ends.
I really liked what they did with ME2 (and to a lesser extent ME3), all the side