Casper Andersen

I like "search your feelings, you know it to be true" when trying to convince people of something, and may have uttered "Qupla'" a couple of times when I won a boardgame

Now I am not too well versed in Arthurian legend, but lets have a go:
Tristan and Isolde - Action Romance
Palamedes - Sables and Veils, Middle eastern fantasy
Gawain and Mordred - shows ones rise to fame and the others fall to villainy

I know many people will think this is terrible idea, but with all the studios racing to emulate Marvel and establish a shared world for their film series, Arthurian legend holds a lot of potential for such a thing.
As you point out, each of the knights has a lot of stories not directly linked with Camelot, so a Merlin

I also got the impression Victarion's horn was much larger and black, but it may also just be my imagination.

Man, I wish I had stuck to my original plan and waited till all the books had hit the stores. But at least I didn't have to sit through the 11! frickin years for the Feast/Dance portion of the story, as those who began reading when Game of Thrones first came out. Well, not yet anyway...

Well they kinda gave Roy Harper magic training between season 2 and 3. That couldn't have been more than a few months and he was suddenly totally badass.

This is still my impression of him

It would really suck to give Black Panther a Tarzan style backstory and make him white :-P

"Oh shit, water damage in the banks bathrooms, foiled again!"

Now playing

He controls sea creatures not water, so I don't get where people get from that he "controls" three-fourths of the planet. And being head of state, even of is just not as cool as flight, super strength and "Batman". The only villains he is good at dealing with are those dumb enough to fight him on his own turf. On land

I always thought Cartoons Plural had real potential, he just never really lives up to it

Yes yes I know it is a joke, but so is this:

I am thinking that the ancient elves either tried to steal their gods power or incited some sort of "war in heaven" thing and it is what broke their civilization. The war the sentinel in Arbor talks about. I think the Blight was perhaps made as some sort of super weapon or was the result of the elves trying to usurp

What was also amazing was how Asscreed 2 delivered on all that promise the first game had, but failed to live up to. Asscreed 2 improved upon almost every aspect of the first game.
Sadly that trend stopped and they just started reiterating the same stuff over and over, with a few systems thrown in and then dropped

Well there is Wild Wild West

I have gotten to a point where I only play WoW for nostalgia's sake, just as I do with a lot of other older games ( I usually do a playthrough of a Bioware game once a year), but with the added bonus of some new content. But when I get to the end game I just loose all interest, there is pretty much only raiding or

In kindergarten I remember being told to not run my fingers along a stone wall, because my fingers would fall off. I guess they did want me to get dirty hands or something, but I am still kinda pissed about it to this day.

The current PC controls makes the game virtually unplayable, an hour into the game I was going mad.

Everything but the romance and STAR lab supporting characters is working on this show, I just so pumped that they have the guts to do these things.