Casper Andersen

Quite interesting book, sadly I have never gotten around to read it in english, but it is pretty interesting setup, with real world people thrown into this classic fantasy universe.

Misspent youth by Peter F. Hamilton, at a little over the midway point. This definitely is one of his weaker works and I am reading it because I am huge fan of the author and want to read his complete works. And it is also the first novel set in the Commonwealth Universe, so a lot of the world building and background

Well that game was a crazy success, so it would be foolish not to follow it up. I am sure they are cooking something up and Enemy Within was just to tide us over until XCOM 2 is done.

Now playing

I don't really get it, it is not like there is no photos or videos of her before she decided to do this face covering schtick. But hey people are talking and she is creating mystery and attention about her, which is good PR I guess. It just seems pointless, when one of the first search results on youtube is this:

As a non-American you can't have help but feel a little schadenfreude about how many americans are into to stupid shit like creationism, it is like: "yeeees, ruin your future generations knowledge and let other countries get ahead of you".

Now playing

One of the groups I play with does not get the game, sure they get all the rules, but not the basic strategy. You have to have alliances but don't expect to last more than a couple of turns, and they can just not wrap their heads around this. Either nobody trusts each other and they try to play like in RISK or even

He is like a super alchemist, I believe the evil Black Lantern version (space zombies don't ask) used his powers to turn people into literal pillars of salt.

There are a few cases where it would actually fit a character well to be non-white or mixed race, especially Spider-Man as mentioned. But what would be even more cool is there was some color-blind casting, for the movies at least. It would be kinda strange to change an established characters race in the comics. But

I think it is best with (the first) Captain America to be like an aryan poster boy, it both fits the time period he comes from and makes a nice counterbalance to his values, which does not put any race or creed before any other, he just wants to do good. But any guy taking up the mantle afterwards could and should be

Same here, I try not to pooh pooh Batman v. Superman before it is even here and I really really want it to be good. Because how awesome would it be if I had both Marvel AND DC movies to look forward to?
But as it stands now, even a "bad" Marvel movie is still an ok film on any other scale, but DC has yet to show me

Yeah my problem is more with how, WB see the need to have EVERY characters movie be like Batman because that worked before, and sets them apart from Marvel which is lighter in tone overall. Superman is about light and hope, not whatever Superjerk was up to in Man of Steel.

Nope, too colorful. Do you want to risk people actually feeling "joy" or ugh "delight", when seeing a movie about superheroes punching each other?! That goes against the Warner Brothers ethos, it is all angst, all the time dammit!…

Pandaria was ok and Cataclysm = subscription cancelled? I think some one must have hit his head.

Also Piratebay seems to be back up, can't confirm it is the same people behind it. But my old proxy link leads to a site that looks very much like the piratebay used to.

"but I didn't really believe in all the characters", that was my sense right from the start, there was no way Raimi could make Venom work the way fans wanted.

I am skeptical, but hey no one expected to be able to fight off bacteria with mold

"No not the bees!!"

People outside 'merica, also I usually stream my (ill-gotten) tv-shows through my Xbox

I pirate when it comes out and then get the DVD (yes, I still have not switched to Bluray) later, for all the extra goodies. So I only feel a little bad for pirating it, since it has actually become available in Scandinavia now.

Yeah it really does, doesn't it.