Casper Andersen

Geif Charno Alpha!

Well it is kinda hard since certain hero archetypes are used differently or not all, at the respective companies. Like Speedsters, those are very common in DC, because of the speedforce, where there is only one somewhat famous speedster at Marvel. And the same with "paragons", the basic Superman powerset,

I have become very tired/angry with how the word "problematic", is starting to take on a new meaning. It is basically a way for smug superior people to say, "I don't like this piece of art/person and how they act and thus other people should stop liking it, because it is the right thing to do".

You seem very tightly wound :-)

Yeah that did strain my suspension of disbelief a bit too much, surely there would more than a few of her commanders that would want to continue the fight.
Well, it will make for a good plot in any eventual sequel comics.

I think they made Korrasami as clear as they dared, the show was already on the way out and not really in the doghouse at Nickelodeon it seems. So probably the last thing the they wanted was to have bunch of angry assholes up in arms over "the gay agenda" on, what is ostensibly, a kids show.

I think this sums up Jezebel quite nicely

I don't think South Park was being nasty about him, they pretty closely mirrored my impression of him. I don't like his stuff and think he is super obnoxious in his videos, but he does seem like a pretty chill guy, when he is not putting on the "pewdiepie act". And hey, people can like what they like and if it gets

Well it seems they are going in different direction with her time in Braavos than in the books, but hey "face-changing assassin in training" can be done in a lot of ways, as long as they stay true to her character.

I guess it only a matter of time till there is a one-film edit, once the last one is out on DVD/blueray

Well the last couple of Marvel films has all ended on a big battle destroying a city, where we in the earlier movies had a bit more variety in how the ended. Like the duel between Iron Monger and Iron Man or the Cap battle on board the plane with Red Skull, they felt more personal, where now it seems Marvel is

Yup that Hulkbuster is a must have, and is probably gonna be one of the cheaper options if you want a Hulk figure.

Marvel could go with another interpretation of the character, like Miles Morales. I mean even mainstream audiences are pretty familiar with Spider-Mans origin story now right? This would allow Marvel to give us different from the past two Spider-Mans franchises.
On the other hand there would be plenty of people who

The only thing I don't feel guilty for downloading is tv shows, most of them are not available on danish tv and if they are I still have to watch at the time it airs. Yes we do have netflix, but the stuff on there seems to be in constant flux, how can I be sure a tv show I begin watching is gonna be there in a month

Well you are supporting the recording companies then, if you want to support the artist directly, go to their live shows.

When there is a sale I always sell cards right away, the sale themed cards usually go for 0.25 Euro or thereabouts. Which makes the card work more like a mini discount for me, which I much prefer over whatever else those cards can give. And I usually end up with a 1-5 Euroes (about 1-6$), which can actually get me

Well at least he was dumb enough to send the threats from his own damn home

I am not convinced Wells is the only Reverse Flash, sure the guy we actually see in the suit in this episode could just be from different point in time.

If Whitehall was filled with "Inhumaness", that he stole from Skyes mom, I am pretty sure he has survived somehow. The crystal seemed to send out a shockwave that could affect anyone in the vicinity So him coming back is a pretty sure thing IMO.
Also Ward as Taskmaster would be cool.

Yeah I thought so as well, I know this version likes to show off a lot of cleavage, but this is silly. Especially since it does not seem to be case of it happening in the heat of battle, did Superman and Poison Ivy bust in while Catwoman and Batman was having sexy-times, sure seems like it? :-/