Casper Andersen

I recall watching a lot of those shows on TCC (The Childrens Channel) a british network that also aired in Scandinavia, and I can't recall if it was texted. Though it was definitely not re-dubbed. My problem then was, I could neither read nor understand english at the time. So I just watched one shitty show after

I know it is YA, but it always rubbed me the wrong way that no one from the muggle world knew anything was up and how very few people from the wizard world even understood basic muggle concepts, even though there are plenty of people born to muggle parents. I mean how isolated and clueless can you be, when your secret

Ah yes, the Marvel vs DC debate, we have that in my group of friends. But it is usually a little lopsided, because we have two DC fans and me who is mostly a Marvel fan. It creeps into anything regarding superheroes, especially the movies.
One of the DC fans will never admit he likes a Marvel movie and it is not on the

The Superman vs Batman thing depends so much on the scenario, if Batman in any way has some forewarning, he WILL have a chance.

Well, I guess it comes down to first draw. At least in a duel type situation, but then you also have factors, like willingness to kill. A deatheater would use a killing spell as an opening move. A regular wizard would have qualms against such things and would use Expelliarmus charm, who at most would throw the gun

This would have been an excellent if they had dropped the Robocop name and just done their own thing completely. All the Robocop elements felt like pandering, but what they brought themselves was really good.

I just saw it and it is actually not bad. Granted, it is still filled with groan-worthy things, like the turtles designs, Michelangelo's character, the stupid "everything is connected" origins and the incredibly dumb "Splinter-found-a-book", as the explanation of why they are ninjas.
But overall it actually worked, the

Even gritty rebooting does not lessen the sillyness of this guy

Yes she did, I always used the base female model, only messing a bit with her hairdo.

I have been giving all these Call of Battle-honor games a pass, but this Sci-fi theme intrigues me.

I always saw it as more of code word for "magical blade", since the forging included some sort of magical shenanigans

If they are gonna give Skye superpowers at some point, as they have been hinting since the beginning, exposing her to terrigen mist would be the perfect way to do it.

Avatar may be the best animated series since Batman TAS, it never talks down to kids, but trusts they can handle advanced themes and stories. And on top of that it has great humor and interesting characters, with real development. Maybe they should have went harder after the teen and tween market with Korra.
I hope

This is one of the reasons I have not been able to get real game going in Divinity: Original Sin, I just know that my first build is gonna turn out to be useless halfway through the game.

I am gonna be so blown away if Marvel has the guts to introduce Beta Ray Bill in the MCU, he would be right at home in a Guardians of the Galaxy movie.

Did not know Cisco was gonna get super powers, so checked out Vibe's entry on Wikipedia and now I am dying to know when he develops his "Above average break dancing skills" :-D

That guys name is Superjerk, still waiting for the real Superman to show up.

DC's movies are just talk right now, with Marvel we KNOW we are getting something awesome.

You know it is telling that I am so much more pumped for this than the DC announcement. With Marvel it is as close to sure thing that the movie will at the very least be good, whereas with DC there is a super high chance they will fuck it up.

Also where is our standalone Hulk and Black Widow movies? "he asked

wait a sec, was he naked? Use a coat dammit.