Casper Andersen

Well that could be interesting to watch

Yeah that ultimate destruction ending is getting old, Marvel needs to switch it up and soon.

Well RPG as a genre would win hands down, the possibilities for what you can do with such a game is simply staggering. But being a "game" is only a part of an RPG, so I don't really think it counts. But if I had to pick just one RPG I guess I would have be boring and give it to D&D, that ofc opens the question: "Which

I preloaded Civilization: Beyond Earth, and is super ready to ignore WoW.
But I am probably gonna take a look at the new expansion at some point, I always do. Hope it is better than Mists of Pandaria, the only thing that kept me playing after I hit level cap, was the Pet Battles. And that was not really a reason to

Chips with sweet tastes are the work of the devil. There is brand here in Denmark who has two more unusual flavors next to the classic salted and Sour Cream and Onion, which every brand of chips has in Denmark. But those other two? Yurgh! Sweet liquorice and Wasabi.
I tried them because I am always for the lookout for

Pretty sure it is a small(er) model than what it looks like.

I have thought about reading some of his stuff, but I first have to get over my impression of his work as this "hipster, too-cool-for school" thing.
I think Jerry Holkins from Penny Arcade said it best: "Being smart, or beautiful, or strong, or confident, or epitomizing any other virtue is whatever. But you can push

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Whigfield was (is) a danish artist, but she at least sings in english and had a couple of minor hits in europe in the nineties. So I get why she would be on some of those CDs, they seem to be distilled 90s.
But Diskofil is on Sonic Dance Power 1 (track 5). Not only do they sing in danish, but their whole schtick is

Everyone wants to belong to something, and it is easier to define what that is against an "enemy".

I like to play with a smaller Empire focused on Science or culture, so Ghandi is one of my favorites. I always fuck up when trying to be warlike.

I know I shouldn't laugh, but that clip still gets me every time

While the premise is a super heavy handed metaphor, maybe we need something with no subtleties to drive the point home.

Yeah there are definitely some time-shenanigans going on. I just think it seems too obvious for Harrison Wells to be Reverse Flash, even though I do believe he is connected to him, somehow.

I like the metaphysical stuff that comes with the speedforce, but I also agree that the food thing works much better on TV. Now I am just curious as to how they explain Reverse-Flash/Professor Zoom got his powers. And we all do agree that the "yellow streak" from Barry's childhood is Professor Zoom right?

Calm down, the central conflict will be different and not just copy pasted from the comics, that makes no sense because of the lack of metahumans (and the even fewer masked metahumans). But I trust Kevin Feige and his team to come up with a plausible plot for why Cap and Tony will be at odds.

Because not everyone sees the need for a pointless minor graphic upgrade. There is yet to release a game for the nextgen boxes I really want. In fact I am actually considering just upgrading my PC instead of getting a PS4/Xbone.

Ah Astrotrain, so silly, yet so awesome.
I recall wondering, as a kid, how the heck the entire Decepticon team could fit inside his Space Shuttle mode while his robot mode was the same size as the rest. Oh and ditto for Jetfire and the autobots.

Now playing

Ah lol that is great theme for Facefisted video :-D

Games based on movies usually work better when just set in the same universe, instead of trying to follow the plot of the movie.

I was really really into the Fly 2 and I thought it was the better movie. Because I was just a dumb kid who was into the monster.
But now The Fly has become one of my all time favorite movies.