Casper Andersen

I wonder how those "sexy" costume would look on a normal girl, they seem to be very tight fitting. Also sexy Mickey Mouse, just why?

Ads are like distant memory for me, it is hard to recall a time before Adblock

At first i was skeptical, but the more I think about it, the more it makes sense. Marvel needs some way to continue after the core teams actors contracts are up. Preferably some way that does not include dump-trucks of money for RDJ and others.
And bringing in other characters is one way to do that. And giving phase 3

Very sad to see her go and under such circumstances, at least it was amicable. Unlike the screaming and shouting with Chevy and the muddiness around Donald Glover's departure.
This show has been very special to me, but it may be time to put it out to pasture for good, I doubt it can handle any more shakeups in the

That is the point of the show, they take that Doc and Marty/Dr Who and companion concept and twists it.

Yeah, it is such interesting and super creepy take on an interstellar civilzation and all the freaky tech and concept people have adopted to make it work without FTL travel.

The Revelation Space universe has some pretty space battles, where they it is all about saturation. Find out the approximate location where the enemy is going to be, based on their speed, and then just fill as much as that space with nukes.
Later they ofc start to use a lot of super-science tech that don't really

If they went for a Serpico style show I think it would work, make Gordons struggle against the corruption the primary conflict of the show.
But this does not seem to be the direction they are going.

Star Wars stuff tends to be like that, have your ever read the race chapter of the rpgs? Any race that shows up as a bounty hunter comes from hunter culture.
These guys:

don't forget the literal clones, urgh...

Actually here in Denmark (and a few other countries) Donald Duck is the face of Disney, our weekly Disney comic book is called "Anders And Bladet" (Donald Duck Magazine). And it often contains a lot more Donald Duck stories than any with other characters. Don Rosa and Carl Barks stories are particularly popular. When

Also when Agent Xena touched the Obelisk (Infinity Stone? Or am I just reaching?) it showed the same pattern of symbols as those Coulson drew and had Skye investigating.
I think her background may be more connected to the main plot of this season than it seems at first.

Yeah, I think it was way to illustrate how woefully unprepared the other government agencies are at dealing with metahuman stuff, that was Shields speciality. You don't imprison your supervillains right next to a warehouse full of dangerous artifacts.

She also seemed to know Coulson from some events in the past, so she could also return in flashbacks. But yeah my money is one some form of comic book resurrection too.

My group switched to Pathfinder after being thoroughly disappointed with 4th edition, but after a few years of this I also gave up Pathfinder. I still like the 3rd ed/Pathfinder system, it is the one that got me into roleplaying, but after game-mastering for while I just grew tired of all the intricate (clunky) rules.

I doubt WB has put that much planning or forethought into this

It cold easily be why Batman wants to kick Superjerks ass

He has caused mass destruction and is a murderer, but with a little more training (or a different director) Man of Steel's Superjerk could still learn to harness his powers responsibly and turn into a hero. Until then I am Team Luthor for Superman V. Batman.

Hmm, maybe, Halo did have some story subtleties buried beneath all the generic sci-fi stuff.

I really liked this and was legitimately scared the first time I watched it, but on repeat viewings it just does not hold up and Sam Niells character starts to look rather silly