Casper Andersen

I think it is pretty clear he is spoofing that video

I only buy consoles games once they hit 20-35$. For example I am playing the Assassin Creed series on a delay. I began Revelations a couple of months ago and then made the mistake of going straight into 3. Which made me burn out.

Be careful not to drive too fast when in Denmark or you might get caught in the "fart kontrol" (speed control), but maybe you just needed to get the ferry "overfart" (passage, on water) in time.

I want that Nemesis Prime and possibly Megatron, I dont have any with a look that close to G1 yet.

You know sometimes I am super happy to live in, so called "socialist hellhole" Denmark, free healthcare and free education. With the added benefit of "SU" (or State Educational Grant and Loan Scheme)

Yeah I recall some videos from before Skyrim came out, where Todd Howard talked about how they sometimes put other games on a big screen at the studio to study and improve. I think it was Red Dead Redemption, because they wanted to have better horse controls in Skyrim.

Now playing

I had no triggers from the first video, but then it can very different what works from person to person. I mostly react to soft speaking and don't really need the visual component. I stumbled randomly upon ASMR some time ago, because I reacted to watching tutorials and demonstrations of stuff, also I recall getting a

I had never seen it until recently. But I see that as kinda a privilege.

also it is easy to see "shuukyuu" turn into Soccer

Yeah the Forgotten Realms and D&D feel was also a big part of the charm of Baldurs Gate, but I am still gonna play the hell out of this game.

I can just not see the appeal of this trend, sure it may be funny as a shock video on, but I cannot in a million years imagine anyone (let alone myself) being turned on by this. This has nothing to do with titillation.

"Roll against nepotism"

Yeah periods where not really something discussed among the girls, it was more who got boobs first.

It is about a sausage who is also a Strength Sausage and a Superman. Says so in the song.

Now playing

Oh the drama :-) Minecraft Multiplayer is not going away, just changing. But hey, we are nerds every change is BAD.

Thank you for that :-)

Yeah this seems more like a wishlist, than any actual plan.

Gestalt works pretty good

For practical reasons I can understand Thor not being with Jane anymore, if Natalie Portman doesn't want to play ball. But it also undermines much of their arc from the Dark World, so I would be sad if it is true :-(