Casper Andersen

A thousand times yes!

Now playing

What about Fist of the north star, the "Hokuto Shin Ken" style is like one big signature move:

You may be right, but I just think this is too big a gamble on WB's side, they need everyone to go see their movie, even doubters like me. As Rob says Cap 3 is "just" another in a long line of already successful movies, it is as close to a sure thing as you can get. And even if a lot of the general audience go to

"another black mark for the rest of us." There is community of drone operators?

There is also Kimberly Kane's quite stellar version, even though it is "just" from a porn movie:

So, how long until it goes free-to-play?

We all know what this means right? It is time!

Captain America 2 is a great movie and I think it will lead to great things for this tv show, at least if this episode is any indication.

If by some stroke of luck and the stars stand right and Marvel was be able to get the X-Men back, I see two possible ways of handling it.

I am a huge fan of the Crank movies so I really enjoyed the second Ghostrider, even though it had very little to do with the actual Ghostrider character.

I thought I already pointed out that it has major challenges to work, my point was that it is a theory on how to achieve FTL travel, which is why it just rubs me the wrong way to say something like that is impossible.

While I do find it just a tiny bit arrogant to say something is impossible, I do enjoy other takes on how to make an interstellar society work, that is apart from just breaking the universal speed limit. It can create lots of interesting ideas, that haven't been done to death in sci-fi before. I just got done reading

I would love if Marvel where to somehow get the rights to FF back, I am sure they could make a version that worked.

And "Næbdyr" in danish

Did you see the Star Wars prequels?

In Denmark it opened the 26th, I was a bit surprised that it had premiere so soon since I thought it was a world wide release. Although Avengers also opened here a week or so before it did so in America, so I guess this is more normal now.

oh and a very minor SPOILER:

I saw Captain America 2 last night and it seems very likely that Sebastian Stan is being prepped to take over as Cap at some point.

Wearing stupid shit on your head is not the future in gaming, didn't we already go over this in the 90es?