Casper Andersen

At the Mountains of Madness could work, it is too bad that the Guillermo Del Toro version never went anywhere.

While she is a total dreamboat, I cringe a little over her pro Russian rhetoric, she seems to have drank deeply of the "Putin Kool Aid".

Brandi Love as Cersei?

Ah yes, I had thought that revolution era France would be a perfect setting for an AC game. And now we will have dodgy french accents instead of italian ones :-/

I have had at least two episodes of sleep paralysis, that I can recall, thankfully I did not hallucinate. But I did feel this intense fear and felt as though I could not breathe. And when I tried to call for help, my voice would not work and only mumbles came out. I tried as hard as I could to lift my arm and bang

Yeah I think this constitutes cruel and unusual punishment

Yeah that part made me cringe a bit as well

Well then the movie just did a really bad job of explaining this, still an awesome movie though :-)

Just rewatched it last night and I fell in love with Mako all over again.
Only thing that bothered me is why the heck they resort to punching and brawling when they clearly have swords, cannons, missiles and other weaponry. It is not like there is this Sentai rule about not escalating the conflict.

Yes in America that would be true, but what if it was set somewhere with stricter gun control laws?
In the Yakusa series and Sleeping Dogs they focus more on melee combat, just changing the setting of a game can inform lots of the gameplay decisions the developers need to make. Or they can just say it is the future and

I have a theory that the clairvoyant is not actually a person or at least one person and that it is not actually anything to do with psychic premonition.
Remember the room with the numbers and all that jazz? I am thinking it something akin to the Foundation, a group of smart people or a machine that can do incredibly

Weirdly I think that would totally work

Yeah this has the potential to be the new Der Untergang/Hitler reacts :-D

This looks completely ridiculous, still gonna watch it though. But maybe not in theaters.

Now playing

How about the "SUPERU TURTLES!" (Legend of Super Mutants). No, being teenage mutant ninja turtles mutants, trained by a displaced japanese ninja sensei, turned into a human rat is not enough. We need to have super transformations too (the villains get some too), and ofc they are able to merge together to form a super

Hmm, back when I lived at home sometimes I would scream out in terror, which really freaked out my mom if she was awake in the living room.

Good, I hope it can live up to the two first games from Rocksteady

I still find Transformers 1 to be serviceable, the rest of them, ehh not so much.
TF2 was just big ol mess and goes to show that Micheal Bay should not be given too much control.