Casper Andersen

I was sure that the prophecy meant that in order to truly kill Voldemort Harry would have to sacrifice himself, it also kinda made sense since he had a part of Voldemorts soul and all that. I thought it would have made for a more poetic ending, but maybe it would be out of tone with the rest of the series.

Wait, fuck

The first thing I thought about when I heard about this movie was: "Hey what about white-collar economic crime?"

Couldn't you arrange a meeting of all the producers of a particular good and then make a total legal agreement on price-fixing? Or insider trade? Or just take everything in the bank with your key?
How do the

Yeah I know this how it is supposed to be done, but I prefer to sauce the rice, and no amount of sushi snobbery is gonna change that, so there! >:-(

There can only ever be a game that is "perfect" to you personally, and maybe not even then.
I have favorite games, sure, but I can see the flaws too. They just don't matter to me or are outweighed by the good stuff.
Take Skyrim, I find that game engrossing and it works really well as a sort free-form fantasy world

Nope it was this lanky guy:

I am still kicking myself for net getting it when I saw it on sale a few years ago. I went back the day after I saw and they were all gone, so I got a Cybertron Metroplex instead. A poor replacement :-/

Yeah I did not know that was an idea in the original series, they later ofc intoduced the whole Primus/Unicron duality thing:

Yes, yes this is the worst game I ever bought, not really by choice though. My old Xbox 360 had just rrod and I needed a replacement. I have a buddy that runs the local gamestop and he hooked me up, problem was, the cheapest option was a bundle special edition 360, with Halo ODST, a driving game (cant recall it, not

Yes, Elder Scrolls have some giant issues (weird voice work, brown color scheme, clunky combat etc), but most gamers can see past them. And the game taken as whole is simply not something you get to experience anywhere else.
But yes I can see that you would not like it if you cannot get past all the bad stuff about the

Hmmm, Cryptozoic Entertainment you say? Gonna wait for the reviews then.
Pretty much all the licensed games they have done have been uneven at best. They seem to just grab all the IP licenses they can get and cash in, there have yet to be a true hit (or super game) from them.

Hey! Kaiden was my femsheps true love, she even stayed faithful to him during ME2! :-)

And other parts where sent to various labs around the world to further the study of these animals.

They opened the autopsy up for the puplic, they usually do this in the Copenhagen Zoo, it is meant to be educational.
It is also very common for school classes to go to farms and see pigs or cows being butchered to get an understanding for where meat comes from.

Now playing

We have a similar concept in Denmark, called "Dansktop", also very similar to "schlager" music. It have had this weird parallel development with regular pop music, it started out with danish rock and roll and pop in the 50-60es but then it just went unchanged while the rest of the music world moved on. It is generally

There is also the fact that Ikea (or other furniture you assemble yourself) is easier to transport yourself. I could go out and buy a bookshelf and take it home on the bus and save not only on the price of the furniture itself, but also shipping costs.

Or maybe it is because the early 90ties hair and wardrobe was not doing her any favors :-P

How is that she only gets prettier the older she gets? She must be some kinda witch...

Pretty awesome (if dumb) movie, it was a return to form after the wierdness of Chronicles. That business with Katee Sackhoffs character is still super cringy :-(

It is because the movie was both a new direction for Disney and it was almost on par with "golden age" Disney movies of the early nineties.

They actually do air some matches live here in Denmark, only problem is, it is on a sunday at 9 or 10 in the evening, when the game starts. So not a lot of people have the opportunity (or stamina) to stay up for the whole game.