Casper Andersen

Well, if the game does not have strong online components, then his argument is completely invalid. I can see why an indie developer would not be all about Steam Sales, indie games already sell for much cheaper than AAA titles and a price drop is not gonna bring enough extra sales to justify the price drop.

Now, it would be cool if I had actually received my key to the game, I am a little pissed that they haven't sent it out to many of the early backers yet :-(

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I can't help but be worried, we all know what happened last time they tried to do a Wizards of the Coast movie franchise:

All the Ant Men have had some "problems", and actually, I think that is what makes him a compelling character, even if his powers are kinda lame.

Hmm, not sure how I feel about this, while it is cool to see the old gang again (I wonder how many trucks of money it took to get Harrison Ford), I feel a new trilogy would be better served with the "oldies" in supporting roles.
I think Luke taking on the role Obi-Wan and Yoda played in the original would be a very

Over the last 5 years I have been battling with depression, before finally getting the right help in 2012 and have now returned to my education to finish it.

Whatever Martin has done to his character, it has always been in service to the story and it has been made better for it. You know that no one is truly safe when you read and that makes the stakes mean something.

Yeah you are right, I was being a douche-bag about it :-/
I was tired and in a bad mood, there are probably tons of people who like the new games, otherwise why would they keep making the damn things :-)

Definitely, I never played any of the originals and thus have no nostalgia for the games, I have seen and played a few of the later titles and found them quite boring.
So I think you need to wear your rose-tinted glasses of nostalgia to really appreciate Zelda games, they dont really hold up on their own merits.

How about Wotan? Can I play games and celebrate him or how about Allah? I got all his albums and he is very talented.

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"Please put down the copyrighted material, I am authorized to use deadly force"

Yeah that policeman in the last shot looked very scandinavian :-D

If we are going by fay "rules", they could have spawned form their essence or some shit like that i guess, still doesn't explain what the hell Cruella De Vil is doing there though.

Yeah I know he has that sort on/off again relationship with the Avengers, i just think the character works best on his own and when he then does work with them occasionally the contrast between the characters makes him work even better.

So now we are gonna have three Marvel movie universes, granted they get this Spidey-verse off the ground?
Hmm, I don't know how to feel about this, so far the new Spiderman hasn't really grabbed my interest and I feel like he would work better as a contrast to the major players in Avengers.
He is always a bit of an

Too bad, that Ghostbusters game was quite solid even if it was just a repackaged generic third person shooter.

Well it is about money, most people will only able to afford 1-2 systems, and gaming PCs are really expensive, so you will feel the need to justify your choice, because what if you chose wrong?
This console generation I may actually have a real human adult job and thus be able to afford both an upgrade to my PC and a

But a good AC Cowboy game would also be very nice indeed

The story of AC 2, Brotherhood and Revelation are tightly related, but I believe AC1, AC 3 and Black Flag can easily be played by themselves.
But you should check the other games out, they are not bad games although the Ezio trilogy gets a bit iterative (AC2, Brotherhood and Revelation), but it is still a good game

These days the only reason to buy games or consoles at release, amounts to being able to say "FIRST", the smart thing is to wait six months to a year.