Casper Andersen

Actually i dont think that timeline is correct, it makes it seem like Warlords off Dreanor goes back to just before World of Warcraft began, when in fact it takes place some time before the first "Warcraft - Orcs And Humans". Before the old horde had even been formed and taken over Dreanor.

Ship Ahoy!

That is most likely a placeholder name, but still funny :-)

"Burning Crusade 2" huh? While Pandaria looked good and had lot of interesting quests mechanics (for WoW anyway) the meta story did not connect with me. I know saving the world all the time can get tiresome. But the entire Pandaria expansion (or what little i played before losing interest) felt like a side story,

The way I see it, OZ is some sort of sub-part of the fairy realm, I believe Dorothy actually said, in the opening of last weeks episode, that the wicked witch was some kind of fae.

So Loki managed to somehow hide away Odin and then take his place, because he fell into the Odin Sleep? I can buy that, I guess.


Seriously SPOILERS



We still Blockbuster stores here in Denmark too, but Netflix was introduced last year, so I guess Blockbusters days are numbered here too.

I would do it, if it was something a partner requested of me, but I would still need some time to get used to it.

Hey, I consider myself pretty up to date on pop culture, so how in hell did I miss every bit of news about this?! I didn't even know they were making it and I am from the goddamned homeland of Lego?! And it looks bloody awesome!

Now playing

Lets hope there arent any renegade boy scout leaders in the area:

What is this, I actually feel a little excited by a new X-Men movie?!
Even though I feel like the X-Men movie franchise would be served better by being back in the hands of Marvel themselves, this does look rather interesting. Still a fucked up continuity, but maybe it will work.

Yeah, the structure of the show is actually interesting, too bad I cant stand the show itself :-/

Ok, I admit I am being totally unfair, because I only ever watched episode 1 of the first season. But I could just not get with this show, I found it to be a confusing fucking mess, that whole horror story kitchen sink approach did NOT work for me.
Hey here is haunted house, oh some creepy neighbors, some lady who is

I watched the entire first season and was mildly entertained, I found it a bit boring but I stuck with it nonetheless. Then came season 2 and by god, I wanted to rip out my eyes out of pure boredom. I gave up after about 5 episodes of them hanging out on that fucking freeway and kids taking turn being lost.

Agreed, overrated sure, but not a bad show.

I think the problem nerds has with this show is that it is a show about nerd, but it is not for nerds. That and that it is the same old tired sitcom BS, just with a coat of nerdpaint.

For me and my group our greatest campaign is Mutants and Masterminds (now DC Adventures), I think part of the reason is that we only play it very irregularly so every game is a big epic event. But we also have a weekly D&D game and Call of Cthulhu game, played about 3-4 times a year. But those other games dont ever

Oh I forgot, to make "Koldskål", you need to mix the buttermilk with "Ymer", a variant on the aforementioned "Tyk Mælk" or I guess you could use greek yoghurt or something similar.
Koldskål needs to have a consistency somewhere between yoghurt and full fat milk.