Casper Andersen

Yes these things seems weird and disgusting to westerners, but we may have some things that seem nasty to them. Like cheese and other dairy products, I have heard that people from Asia may find that nasty. And it got me thinking about what local foods from my home country of Denmark, others may find nasty.

The site was down when I made the comment, so I could only see the image hosted here. And the danish media are always full of stories about how the young people in Denmark are those who consume the most alcohol in Europe.

Aww, i cant see what Denmark is leading in :-(

So I always kinda knew that some of the female fans of this show was, shall we say, especially devoted. But I only knew of it, because of all the meta episodes of the show itself.

I have a friend who lost a rank 30 character and dont think he wants to play agian because of this, while I do think he is whining, I can also understand where he is comming from.

"Violent Duct" was clearly an anomaly and I knew it was only a matter of time before they fixed it, which is why I grinded the hell out of it, the time/risk/payout ratio made it the only mission worth playing. I guess the payout was so high because the badguys had assault rifles and most other just have pistols and

Yes! John Noble would be perfect for when/if they introduce God to supernatural

I so very much this show to be good, but I am just not feeling it yet. I really hope it finds its feet, and soon.

Man I watched a lot less Buffy than I remember, I dont recall any of this. But that may also have been the danish airing schedule, they started rerunning seasons as soon as they ran out of new episodes, and then every once in a while they would go back a few seasons and start airing from there. Also I dont think they

Man I watched a lot less Buffy than I remember, I dont recall any of this. But that may also have been the danish airing schedule, they started rerunning seasons as soon as they ran out of new episodes, and then every once in a while they would go back a few seasons and start airing from there. Also I dont think they

I look forward to this calm and rational discussion.

I was thinking that Tahiti is more a Zombie reference, as in they have used magic or science to resurrect or clone him

Hey, that would actually be pretty cool, Denmarks two biggest pop culture exports together at last :-D

Ph'nglui Mglw'nafh Drght' leh wgah'nagl fhtagn

At least they are honest about how it is gonna be, as opposed to Blizzard with Diablo 3 or EA with Simcity.

Aim assist was turned off automatically, so I just figured it was no longer an option. I was halfway through the story before I found out you could turn it on, but I never bothered, might as well try to master the clunky free aim, because I think that will be the default in multiplayer.

To be fair they have promised to keep adding stuff to the multiplayer, kinda like a FTP MMO, so if seen in that light, I guess I can live with it.
Not gonna waste any money on it myself though.

I think by making a game that was so close to GTA in gameplay and style but so different in theme, gave the team an opportunity to try out some different things. Like having the characters be less over the top and a protagonist that was actually somewhat likeable and had a higher morality (sort of). Something they

Ratings may be something of a guideline and maybe this kid is mature enough to handle it and maybe his parents gave it a lot of thought before they let him play it.....but that never happens. Godammit, if parents are so up in arms about children playing these sort of games, they should fucking follow the age rating,

Yeah, "mutant" sure, isn't Y'ha-nthlei located off the coast of Maine?