Casper Andersen

Coming soon from Apple...

It really was just a question of time, but I do believe the Harry Potter universe is rich enough to support some more stories.

I usually name my WoW chars after the Cthulhu mythos

Ugh, I do not like the the new characterization, they really "Varian Wrynn´d" her, it is sad that they abandoned the budding romance between her and Thrall, it could have been really interesting. But alas they have to keep the war between the Horde and Alliance going to make WoW game mechanics make sense. Maybe a

Hey I get that you want to be like big boy journalists and report on "scandals" in the gaming community, and in fact, we need the gaming press to be more than just an extension of the game companies PR machines.

And C-Beams glittering in the dark near Tannhauser gate, those i have heard about too.

I just cannot see the appeal og jrpgs, I have tried hard to like them. I thought it could simply not be true that I could dislike an entire genre of games, one that is even so similar to my favorite genre, RPG (or western rpgs if you insist).

"But I was a 14-year-old musician" and now I feel old :-(

Yeah, I think that way works for me too, my older sister has kid about 1½ years old now, and being an uncle lets me experience most of the fun parts of having a kid, and not having to deal with poop and the other side-effects.

Wow, that is like game publishing, not something you want to emulate

I wonder how it would be if someone made a big blockbuster porn movie, with one of those insane 100 million+ dollar budgets, where instead of action scenes there are just really elaborate sex scenes...

yeah just look at Santa Clause

But the cops get mad even if you just tap their car a little bit by accident

Aww man, the delivery of "beacuase" gets me every time :-)

"Later, the player, who goes by the Xbox Live name PHATDOG"
Because of course that is his gamertag...

Well this is a holdover from the comics, they where all made in, shall we say a "whiter" time.
But with that being said it would be super nice to see them switch it up and do some colorblind casting. Sadly I dont think Marvel is ready to do that yet, just look at all the stupid nerd/racist rage over the casting of

What, a person has the audacity to be upset when someone hacks their photobucket account and shares personal pictures with everyone to fuel some vendetta against that person?! The nerve!

Also in a galaxy far far away, or Andromeda if you consider the Grebleips canon...…

Personally I think of the Star Wars universe as taking place in an alternate reality where the laws of physics work differently to allow for Space Magic and FTL that can take you across an entire

Perfect, just what I wanted, well almost it could have been interesting with a woman, but he is awesome too.

"Dead Ostrich Quadcopter set to "I Believe I can Fly" will make you cry"