Casper Andersen

Pervert :-)

As awesome as he is in Breaking Bad, I would love to see him in a comedic role again soon :-)

I think this may actually be a good thing, the story for the game was quite thin, but that way they can get some room to do their own thing. Kinda like Bioware did with the old republic and Star Wars

The live action Turtles movies, when I was a kid those seemed like master pieces even the third one, where they time travel. I tried rewatching them a couple of years ago and boy, they do not hold up.
It was so far from the cartoon that i used to love and the dialogue was just awful and all attempts at humour fall flat

Well at least you have lots of crabs :-/

Maybe to ask advice if you just dont feel racist enough

To be honest I mainly backed the game because maybe, just maybe they would make a new one. I was never all that invested in a remake and it makes me kinda sad that they couldn´t pull that off.

Nah, DC is kinda like North Korea if we are to use Nuclear war as metaphor for Marvel VS DC when it comes to movies.

Dont we already have movie like that? Not that would mind seeing another one with a little girl superhero instead of the boy :-)

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Patrick Rothfuss is also gonna join the Penny Arcade guys in a live DnD game, this will be awesome. That is all.

Exactly, just like the Roman empire, they never got past Germany.

or a "part" for that matter... ;-)

Atilla the Hun never made it to Denmark, I know we are a small country and easy to mistake for some appendage to Germany on a map, but none of the ancient conquerors actually managed to make Denmark a pert of their empires.

Esmaerelda May is relevant to my interests

Ugh I get a bad taste in my mouth every time I hear her name, being indirectly responsible for child genoside has that effect.

What i meant what was that even though they are only like an 6th or 8th part Native American.
To europeans it is very weird hearing americans claim they are irish or italian or whateverk, when to us you are all just americans :-P

Isn´t that like a "thing" in America to claim you are part native american even though you are white (or black)?

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I have always found fungi in general to be creepy, the way it is not quite a plant but something more like an animal. And the way it seems to show some rudimentary senses

Needs more Dazzler, but what doesn't?

I think I am still gonna buy a PS4 anyway, but now it mostly a price issue, and that I dont want a stupid kinect. Both of which Micosoft could easily fix by launching a kinectless version of the Xbox One