Casper Andersen

While I think there are definitely stories to be told in prequel form, particularly the First Contact War, I think I would prefer a sequel. If only to see how Bioware are gonna write themselves out of the corner the put themselves in, with the ME3 ending(s).

That is just fucking awesome! :-)

On the one hand I really like YA, Harry Potter was an important step in my development as a reader, but on the other hand, YA also comes with a lot baggage and annoying conventions. Like there has to be a romantic subplot, usually a love triangle of some sort, even if it adds nothing of value to the main plot. Deus ex

You know Ben Kingsley is not an automatic criteria for a movie being good, he has been in a lot of crap over the last few years :-/

Yeah a detective/C-Sec story would be awesome, although there could still be room for some connections to bigger mysteries like aliens from another galaxy or more about the reaper origins.

I do pirate games once in a while, if the release coincides with me not having enough money and if am eager enough that i want to play it right now. Otherwise I just wait till the game has reached a price I am more comfortable with, I have for example just bought Kingdoms of Amalur for 24$. And I will buy almost any

And now I crave sushi, but I dont have nearly enough cash to go grab some, damn it!

And the man was a midget

I quit after five episodes of of them being on that damn highway and kids constantly being lost, it was just so effin boring. But maybe I should give the show a second chance.

"Quite frankly, the biggest obstacle to telling a good story in a video game is... you."

Yeah your are probably right, and more Arya is always a good thing :-)

The class storylines are actually kinda good, just do some research on what you might like and play that, it sohuldnt take you more than a month to finish it. Then you can just discard the game or try a new storyline. I may return once it goes free to play to finish another class storyline, but the game is not really

I kinda liked it, now I can hate her for real and not just because of her boneheaded decisions.

"Actually, it means two things: the show will then go downhill for a few years afterwards."

Yup honest to god, that was what I saw too :-D

While i love the theatrics of these kinds of places, they always makes me feel uncomfortable, not because I am scared, but because I feel like I have to play along even if it is not scary at all. Like I feel bad for ruining the actors show by not being scared :-/

Yup it is console exclusive content, there was a bit of a brouhaha over it already. But it is not the original developers fault (well kinda), he gave over the game to a new team that has converted it to console and they chose to add some new content. So technically the original team has still kept their promise that

I think the game looks interesting enough on its own merits, it does in no way need the XCOM moniker to sell it. In fact I think it may have hurt the game more than it has helped, as all the gamers for whom "XCOM", would hold any meaning, would be alienated (no pun intended) by the FPS direction of the game, and the

And now I have a craving for Sushi (the only food I eat with Chopsticks), darn it

Practically non existent, you dont really progress after you hit 80. Sure you can grind for one of the legendary weapons or dungeon armor sets, but they are mostly cosmetic. You can buy a set of armor of the next highest tier for about a gold.