Casper Andersen

Hey when Jesus says so, it must be true

Is it weird that this is the only thing about MoP I am mildly interested in?

Even if it is from Episode 1 :-D

Also in her "Asylum of the Daleks" recap, there is a Yoda statue behind her. Her parents are clearly awesome.

Oh and Denmark too :-D

I actually really liked Universal Soldier: Regeneration, JCVD gave a really good performance, it was kinda chilling seeing him mow down all those people, always with that thousand yard stare.

Very dignified ;-)

I can see where they are comming from, it can make a game more exciting if there are some real risk involved even if just a little, like playing poker for 5$.

Like a lot of others this was my first mmo, mainly bought because my friends and I wanted to play a mmo while we waited for WoW to release. One of friends thought that it looked stupid and decided to buy Lineage 2 instead... he played that for about a week and then joined the rest of us on CoH.

If I ever met my past self I would beat up that asshole, he has gotten me into a lot of trouble, he is so fucking lazy and he gave this enormous dept. Past me sucks.

I am just so excited about that "the cyborg olympics" may soon be a reality and that we may have to seriously discuss the social and political ramfications of actual transhumans.

I guess you could fold many of the paralympic disciplines into the regular Olympics, since a lot them are basically their own thing, like the wheelchair events.

But The Great North Road is a standalone book, although it is still the standard Hamilton 1200 pages long as far as i know. The next project is a new trilogy (set mostly in the void) about the Sheldon clans Ark voyage into the void.

A monthly subscription also makes many people think about how much worth they are getting each month and may rush the content. How many players do you think bothers to read any quests in WoW? No, what you do is gather up the quests and rush through any new areas to get to the endgame, and god forbid that any players

Yay, more Hamilton I am such a huge fan of his work, I dont think I have ever read something of his that I did not like. Although I have yet to read Misspent Youth, so that may yet change :-P

I learned english from watching british childrens tv and playing lots of computer games as a kid, the UI for Day of Tentacle is basically a learning tool.

Werent there a Shazam movie with the Rock as Black Adam at one point?

Now I am not that familiar with the "Chitauri" incarnation of the Skrulls, but if they have the shapeshifting abilities, it would open up a lot of story opportunities for a tv-show.

I dont seem to recall that there are that many cases where the rape is carried all the way out, usually it is implied that it is gonna happen/has happened. I dont recall if he has a full-on description of a rape in the books.

Wow, there will be a Battlefield 4? That is a major surprise, never saw it comming.