Casper Andersen

I just hope that the game smiths will begin to understand, that what people want from an mmo is not "like wow, but with X new feature" or "like WoW, but in space".

Now imagine that song at a wedding

I am thinking they are gonna focus on Dany, she has some important stuff happen in the house of the warlocks. Also she has not really had that much to do this season.

Maybe after a few years after the tv show or books wraps up, the original kotor was quite good and it was not released to tie in with a movie or anything.

I actually thought Hellboy 2 was better, but other than, I completely agree

Too bad none of those things will be in the game, it is a lot more likely to be another wow-clone.

Well this might be good, but if it means we will have to wait longer on Fallout and real Elder Scrolls games, then I am a sad man ;-(

SPOILER The Avengers

I live in Denmark and I sure as shit gonna go his shop, just look at all those G1 transformers :-D

Barl, a misspelling of Baal.... sigh. I chose this name when I joined a chat server back in like 7th grade, when I found out I had misspelled I decided to keep the name because the letters fit together and seemed like an actual name. And it has been with me ever since.

Now this group I talk about is like 12 people in all, but we usually are only 3-5 when we play, so it is more about who is present at a given boardgame night. But, yes, having the sci-fi hater and the fantasy hater there at the same time is complicated, hence the eternal Arkham Horror :-)

There must be a way to do the Mandarin, without the racist overtones. Because I really want to see Iron-man go up against a Magic villain, unless ofc they go with the "rings are alien tech" thing. :-(

I love love Boardgames, but there is one big problem with them.

I have given up hope of ever seeing an rpg like "in the good old days" from Bioware again.

I was thinking of making a male Shepard, and make him total slut. Bang Liara in the first game, Jack in the second and Steve Cortez in the third game. Maybe he should be named Harkness instead of Shepard...

Yeah it must be that "secret gay agenda" conspiracy that got them fired :-D

What you said :-)

Yeah, we should just roll over and present our ass and take whatever the world feels like ramming up there. Because complaining is "childish".

They kinda shot themselves in the foot with the voice acting and story-driven questing, because once you run out of that on a char, the game is even more like the same old boring wow-fest.

I wants it, gives it to usss!