Casper Andersen

Although a new Baldurs Gate game would be cool, I think this is just some sort of Smartphone/tablet remake thing.

It seems EA is "ASSUMING DIRECT CONTROL", Bioware is nothing more than a Husk now.

If the Indoctrination theory is true, then the ending is on par with some of the best mindfucks, like meeting Andre Ryan in Bioshock. If what is currently there is all there is to it, then it is simply lame. I just cant tell if it is bad writing or a really devious mindfuck by Bioware.

Bioware, does not write "great stories" as they so often say, no what they do is write great characters and conversations between these characters. The actual plot of Mass Effect is made up of old paperback scifi novels and bits and pieces from Star Trek and Star Wars.

I have tried to like japanese games, but I always end turning them off in frustration. Heck, I played 20 hours of Final Fantasy 13, because I was determined to give the game a chance but I was just never rewarded for that determination.

If you like teamwork, the Civilization game might be worth checking out. It is played in rounds and to win each round or "era", your country has to fulfill one of victory conditions. These are usually collect x amount of gold, research a specific tech, win x military battles etc.

I loved the Tyrion chapters in Clash of Kings (and in general really), it really shows what he is capable of, if given the opportunity.

Hmm, I would think Doom is a little too far future to what these cityscapes looks like.

I can sometimes identify korean characters by the names, as they sound distinct from Chinese and Japanese names, but not always. Most outside of scandinavia would not be able to tell that Jens, Måns, and Håkon are distinct to Denmark, Sweden and Norway respectively :-D

Oh, it was chaos emeralds last time i cared about Sonic :-P

Wow, the Sonic fans are really comming out of the woodwork.

"We want to bring BioWare quality,"

Wow, Inception horns and Dubstep

Hmm, didn't think people still played this. I tired of it within the first month, the Inquisitor questline is made up of endless Mcguffin fetching; "Find X Sith artifacts", "Now you must absorb X Sith ghosts". Riveting stuff...

The multiplayer is actually surprisingly good, I have been spending a lot f time with it, it plays like a little faster paced tactical shooter ala the old Rainbow Six games, with a lot of focus on special abilities and teamwork.


Yeah this is one of those cases where pirates provide a better service than the actual company (even if you are more than willing to pay). On that note where is my region 2 dvd of Community season 2 at?

It is also on Xbox live

I want to finish the entire series, I just think I need to throw in some sci-fi between each book, as Starlionblue said, even if you are not that big a fan of fantasy, this series transends genres in awesomeness.

Turn based stuff. Although not completely dead it is something of a fringe mechanic, but I would love to see an rpg in the vein of Arcanum, Temple of Elemental Evil or good old Fallout 1 and 2.