Shouldn't the organization behind this be known as Tools Of Humanity?
I lost the world’s smallest violin yesterday so I can’t play a pitiful dirge for the studios.
It appears that Ron’s still going to have “Don’t Fuck With the Mouse” tattooed on his forehead.
For a brief moment a BOI ATM looked like a pot of gold, but in the end it was just fool’s gold and went back to being the usual bucket of shit.
I was kinda looking forward to watching Emo’s eyes bulge out as Zuck (who I loathe as much as Emo) chokes him out.
X no longer marked the spot where a moron lost $44 billion of other people’s money.
Worst UFC undercard ever.
This is probably the least criminal thing a Trump has done.
A true blue angel?
The best laid plans of Superheroes and Men.
Sorry Meta, but there is already a Twitter killer app, it’s name is Elon Musk.
The Red States are going to become the Blue Ball States
Tweetdeck? More like Tweetdick.
The only “friend” I knew who got his news from FB turned him into a QANon spouting conspiracy anti-vaxx Trucker Convoy supporting dumbass who I ended up unfriending off FB because I was sick of seeing crazy shit show up in my feeds.
“Send Me Location” is the new “Meet Me In Temecula.”
All the small things, kid.