
Zoolander inspired.

Is that a scanner on your belt or are you just happy to see me?

Coal Miners are in this year!? Fashion be weird.

It says 'DO' be short.

I think you have to be Ryan Gosling to pull off that much staring and not be considered creepy.

I can't remember the source but they get ~300 million unique visits a month and is something like 25% of all page hits in the U.S . Users browsing facebook also tend to stay there for a long time, and the nature of the product allows them to collect all of your data. It's probably the most comprehensive data mining

I don't think he changed his mind. His issue was always the size of the phone, not the size of the screen. If he could fit a bigger screen on the same size phone, I think he would have been game from the start, assuming it didn't screw up pricing models etc. As Display tech progressed, a 4inch screen on the same size

Now why can't I get that mounted to a lazyboy recliner?

Seriously, serious? no.

I keep saying this but I think Siri woke google up to the fact that the easiest way to strip customers away from their search service is to exploit user laziness. If you can get users to wear a gateway into your services, then users would have to put in extra effort just to use a competitors service. They want to make

"Why don't you take a picture, it'll last longer?"

I keep picturing this guy yelling 'Shoot him! Shoot him' trying to get his glasses to take the picture with freaked our neighbors peering over his backyard fence.

WHAT!? Monocle or go home!

Yes, and that emotional response is generally anger.

13th has been considered unlucky. The origin being on Friday the 13th of Oct 1307 the Templar knights were arrested and their property sized, and many tortured and or burned at the stake for heresy among other things by order of the king.

Not really true. A lot of buildings that are expected to have international travelers won't but its not super common.

I get the feeling that the Mick Jagger picture was his reaction after witnessing that tan woman.

Is that what the voices tell you? That the jury is watching?

You sound fun. Lets text more.

Probably that picture of me taped to the wall in college, around 2001.