
Someone needs to develop pants with just one giant pocket across the ass instead of 2 small ones =D

Oh yes! it will be mine.

Want. Will have.

Do a barrel roll!

Indeed. I feel as though a huge weight were lifted from my chest.

I've been looking for something like that for years.


Judging from the website this is like the lowest power model. He has enhancements going up to 250PSI which seem quite dangerous. Maybe this is like....with training wheels?

At max power can it throw itself away?

well you don't keep your shit in plain sight do you!?

Actually for me did change things a bit. This indicates the use a a probe specifically when previously I had heard that fingers were used to check the wound and try and remove the ball. Also the indication was that the manual probing with the finger actually pushed the ball back into the wound which this doesn't

She clearly fears ninjas to censor the name, and then redact and apologize!

Its the Cootie Fairy that comes to my office at midnight! I'm clean, I swear!

"You can't very well take over the world from your parent's basement, now can you?"

I see what you did there, because those are not sentences!

OMG. The computer is alive! Hide your children, the machines are taking over!

Really? I would say no for the same reason you don't get the feeling when you jump on trampoline. Granted there's acceleration involved but a rollercoaster can accelerate you downward faster than gravity initially since you're powered and attached to rails, and it seems like the sensation is more about change in

The instructor nearly performed the sickest powerbomb of all time.

Why do IQs seem to drop sharply when discussing marijuana? On both sides of the debate, no less.

You beat me to it lol, was trying to track down a picture.