
Hangin' out with Kya the patty-cake instructor? I'm sure the kid will be fine =)

Eh, still diggin' my Note. Hate on!

You don't know what you're talking about. Theorycraft at its best.

It sounds weird but history is the recorded events of the past. We've recorded this incident, and there are none recorded before it, making it the first in history.

Another run-in with Dr. Med. Wilfried Wegener?

Hahaha, nice.

The Aztec's were conquered by the Spanish. The decline of the Mayan civilization remains a mystery.

Heh its true, HBO has a number of good intro's. Another great one is from Carnivale.

They blew up a nuke shortly after the last 2 times they launched these type of missiles. This article doesn't cover it but its evidence that these programs are being developed in parallel, and that the claims that they're trying to launch satellites is bs. The accepted theory is that they're trying to develop heat

I'm a big fan of the Game of Thrones intro. Changes based on where the story lines are taking place and has a pretty awesome theme song.

It's China, guy. Different country, different signs.

"She was so caught up in the call, in fact, that she didn't notice the caution blocks on the street warning her that was about to get gobbled up by a sinkhole"

Hmmm, I just assumed he was a kid because his age data is missing from IMDB =D

Yeah, Joffrey. How about that. The character is horrid but I think the child actor that portrays him is one of the strongest on the show. He really does a terrific job, so I'm both happy and angry when he gets screen time.

I think the point is that we're not shocked. We're bored or anxious for it be over with so we can get back to the story. It's worth noting that the books are stripped down to their absolute bare minimum, and then these scenes are inserted further disrupting the story for cheap thrills that aren't that thrilling. I

You say this but take the Libyan revolution for example. There was an immediately clamor for U.S involvement. For once our president was sheepish about it, which gave us an interesting look at Europe fumbling around trying to figure out how to save themselves from hundreds of thousands of Libyan refugees with out the

Hack the gibson!

Eventually the prices everywhere will go up because of it but the U.S and most of our allies don't get any Oil from Iran due to sanctions. China, Pakistan and Japan are immediately going to be hosed while they scramble to make new contracts.

Diet coke or is she really drinking 4k calories a day?

I know people are thinking asteroid mining, but I'm hoping space elevator.