
Hopefully this gets dumbed down so that it can be a great prank to pull on coworkers. Getting them to grow hairy palms, or wording 'douche' on their arm in thicker hair. That'd be dandy =)

Would be hilarious if it looks just like the iphone5 in development.

That cat looks more evil than cute.

"Guess she's just got more oxytocin. It's okay because I've got more alcohol."

You're not sorry =)

Yeah, what cracks me up the most is how positive he is about the criticism. Contrast that to typical internet rivalries which start with 'shut up' and 'you suck' and devolve into petty childish comebacks and swearing. The most aggressive he gets is "I like this, and if you can do it better, go ahead and make music

Wow, this may be the only reason I'll ever have to envy the youth of today. I wish I had cool gadgets like this when I was kid. Graphing calculators were pretty much it lol.

Maybe they've become self aware and are identifying the pilots as a threat =)

Errr followup of the SII

Yeah, the Iphone is so yesterday! (from Feb 11th)

1. Create divisive, opinionated article.

Can't tell if that's sarcasm or some bizarre stereotype that I'm unaware of.

MMMMMMMMM, Baby, you make me wish I had bigger hands.

Is there any news of a note 2? The note just launched in the states a few months ago. Samsung has waited more than a year for the followup of the galaxy S 3.

Smart phones are crap phones. They're primarily internet access devices. With that in mind it makes sense to improve usability, and in this case that means a larger screen. If you think it looks stupid when you hold it up to your head then you're not using bluetooth very well. One need only activate their bluetooth

You're confusing this with a device advertisement when its sole aim is promote a single software application. Comparing it to the presentation of a multi purpose hardware device is kind of silly. Although I admit the advertisements I've seen of the Note are a mess.

If you commit now we'll even hold both up to the side of our head while walking around and not paying attention to our surroundings!

Issues with Money hanging off the side of your head:

Heheh, maybe that's what she was writing with the pen "Why call me Peter, when I don't have one?"

Elephant is just showing off for the hot chick.