
I wore a collared short-sleeve and shorts once on 104-degree day—nice shorts, khaki, dressy not cargo—and within ten minutes had an email about proper work attire from my manager who was wearing a spaghetti-strap dress that barely came to upper-thigh. I figured I’d get tagged for it, but I also figured if there was

Yeah, Aquaman’s power set is basically golden age Superman + telepathy.

I’ve never been able to tell if hippies are the worst or Shia LaBeouf is, and now that I’ve seen the two togther, I’ve decided they’re just two ends of the same intestine.

I’m a guy and was baffled by dudes who catcall all my life until I realized exactly this: it’s about the guy, not the lady.


Despite being an avowed comic geek in HS I’d never had a subscription. Half the fun was in the shop. But my school’s magazine drive included an ASM option, so I bought one from/for myself, got a free candy bar for the sale, and saved a couple bucks on a title I’d enjoyed.

Would this follow for shrimp shells as well? Because I’ve made about as much bisque as I can stand for the year.

If you can go seven weeks without using cilantro, you are a stronger person than I.

Yeah his big reward to Nux “carrying you into Valhalla myself” was nothing more than the premium upgrade version of his big lie.

It mans so hard it parodies itself and is born anew as a blueprint for the future. It’s fricking wonderful.

But such a better human being for not knowing.

Explain the whales. EXPLAIN THEM.

Actual pushup at 1:16.

I can’t edit any of the hostname values.

They thought women shouldn’t run because ew, girls, so they grasped at whatever nonsense seemed to support what they wanted to believe.

From what I’ve read, it’s a little better but not nearly as good as moving, and it adds its own set of problems. I tried one, and instead of feeling loagy with unused energy, my lower back and knee hurt. Not a fan.

Ditto, friend. Ditto.

Narragansett Fest — body on this beer is so good. I love the whole 'Gansett line but I wouldn't put any of the others in competition. This beer, though...makes you wish it were Oktober year round.

May I suggest we stop changing the darn clocks and just agree on a certain day of the year normal business hours move from 9 to 5 to 10 to 6 or whathaveyou?