
Pretty much. Almost nothing he says makes sense, even when there's a grain of truth behind it. He’s like the Donald Trump of nutrition.

William Davis seems to be a panic monger, and shame on the reporter for not bothering to fact check anything. I stopped reading after Davis made it sound like lab mutagens like sodium azide were being actively used in actual crop growing and getting into the food chain:

or smart


So you’re basically saying that he’s a human being with problems and not a mythological deity of some sort? Huh...

Sobieski Vodka is as smooth or smoother than Ketel One, Grey Goose, or Belvedere. and 1/2 to 1/3 the cost. i love it!!!

Up to the point where the towel gets caught in the beater, of course.

Is this a joke?

I grew up in rural and small towns. It’s pretty fucking awful in a lot of ways, to be honest. Being close to nature doesn’t compensate for having to drive thirty miles to find a fucking pair of pants.

Do you have a fitness ball? Those can be used like a bench. Just rest with it higher up on your back near your shoulders.

The rubbery texture just means they weren’t cooked well. Mushrooms, eggplant, tofu - all the same. They can be great, but most people don’t bother to bring out the greatness. I will never order eggplant in a restaurant because it always either has that weird texture or is completely soaked in oil.

I cook dinner most if not all of the time since I work night shifts. Sometimes I make bad dishes, sometimes there are good ones. Experience is the best teacher. Whenever a dish comes out bad, I usually try to figure out why it turned out bad-the internet is a big help. Just remember, not all recipes pulled from the

Have we reached a point where all cultural sharing is off limits? That seems so... stagnant.

TheOtherHalf; the last little bit will take a long time because we’ve been mislead that losing weight is like using up fuel in an engine. What you aren’t told, is that as you lose weight, your engine size decreases. So if you were once a 5 litre Gas guzzler, to lose 1lb, you would travel 100 miles you. But now you are

really? is this even possible in this day and age?..

Bought myself a good chef’s knife last year and a cheap set so I could have cheap steak knives for people and a nice knife block on the counter. The chef’s knife is glorious.

Yeah...I'm not tipping more than a buck for a beer. Mixed drink? A couple of bucks. Three if it's strong.

Are these Manhattan prices? I live in a small town where these suggested tips are about 75% tip on every single round.... Sorry, I would only do that if I were a pea brain desperate to impress a date.

There's enough "wingfic" that it has tropes? Rule 34 indeed.