Li'l Biscuit

In NYC rental units, tenants can install satellites inside their apartment or any space outside their apartment but that is included in their lease (i.e. balcony, terrace, etc.) I don't think having a satellite inside is very useful. But the idea here is safety—you don't want one falling 20 stories onto unsuspecting

Not a license to kill, but certainly a mitigating factor. We're talking chemical imbalances, not necessarily premeditated with evil intent.

Beauty, yes. But those outfits? No.

It would not surprise me in the least if this guy is closeted.

God I love me a sausage, egg and biscuit.

Is there anything in this girl's life that is real and honest?

Also a HUGE fan of said aesthetic

I'm not a tech wiz, but the underlying script seems to upload your pic to some unknown server, so...
I'm just wary of anonymous stuff like this.

I've just discovered that my sucralose intake was causing all sorts of, ahem, bowel issues, and I understand aspartame can do the same. If hallucinations were her biggest problem, well, she must have had a gut of steel.

How do you fail to evict?

Can you imagine someone like Beyoncé pulled some basic shit like this? I just can't. I have to wonder when she screened this for John Mayer what his feedback was. But I love the puppy.

I'm a huge fan of all things WOW. Their website is a must throughout the day.

Wasn't she dating Clea Du Vall a few years ago? Did she not previously identify as bisexual?

No comment about the Jenner spawn?

She is the BEST!

A sad state of affairs that kids today—journalism student nonetheless!— think that Finding Something On The Web=Sufficient Sourcing. It was online so it must be true!