I'm not a tech wiz, but the underlying script seems to upload your pic to some unknown server, so...
I'm just wary of anonymous stuff like this.
I'm not a tech wiz, but the underlying script seems to upload your pic to some unknown server, so...
I'm just wary of anonymous stuff like this.
I've just discovered that my sucralose intake was causing all sorts of, ahem, bowel issues, and I understand aspartame can do the same. If hallucinations were her biggest problem, well, she must have had a gut of steel.
How do you fail to evict?
Can you imagine someone like Beyoncé pulled some basic shit like this? I just can't. I have to wonder when she screened this for John Mayer what his feedback was. But I love the puppy.
I'm a huge fan of all things WOW. Their website is a must throughout the day.
Wasn't she dating Clea Du Vall a few years ago? Did she not previously identify as bisexual?
But how will this affect the standing of his wife, who considers herself to be "top three in Russian woman"?
She is the BEST!
A sad state of affairs that kids today—journalism student nonetheless!— think that Finding Something On The Web=Sufficient Sourcing. It was online so it must be true!
Well, I'd say it's ill-advised for SodaStream because Bethenny, but I'm sure they're referencing the whole West Bank thing. Sorry, I'm just not a fan.
Well, they certainly seem to think that there's a large market for this. They 20% of women over 40, and $20 million in start up capital.
Can someone tell Madonna to stop it with the gold grill? #desperatelytryingtoohard
Sorry, but Hanna's bedroom and the bathroom need to swap. There's no way that plumbing would be on an outside wall.
I appreciate this. But I also take solace that misogyny by gay men, or the objectification by straight women of gays as accessories, is not 100% universal. I'm thankful that I have people in my life who don't fall into these stereotypes, although unfortunately I also know far too many who do. Some guys get it, but…
He couldn't control his libido. Or is that the woman's job?
Got this on repeat now.
Mary can do no wrong, imo.
Is it normal to stand with your head pushed forward like that?