
I guess this brings a whole new meaning to the phrase "dick cheese," huh?

... I'll show myself out.

Frankly, the harder thing for me than being raped was dealing with my friends. I came out of it better, but fuck if I didn't have to cut a lot of shitheels loose.

Sooooo glad we aren't friends. I can't imagine saying to a friend who had just been raped "Look, I have a number for a therapist but I'm just not into talking about shit like that. Let's talk about my new sweater!"

Yuup. Unfortunately part of the fallout of sexual assault is learning who your real friends are. She ain't one of 'em!

I think the friend needs to shut the fuck up about the foster kids. And the rape victim's friend? Cut that bitch loose. Life is too short for friends who can't be there during the rough times.

To the couple: When I was first out of college, my sister's father died and I had to choose between petitioning for custody, letting her go into foster care, living a with a friend of the family, or going back to live with our very inept, unstable mother. She's been with me now for almost six years, and while I would

South Africa was internationally isolated because a large group had no rights based on their skin color/ethnicity/race. Everybody is happily doing business with Saudi Arabia. It's just women after all.

A hyperbolic joke.

.... Are you Lisa Simpson?

As a gay man living in the "South", the kind of persistent, sneaky racism she practices really gripes the hell out of me. I work with a fairly integrated group of people and I am still amazed at the number of times a day that I hear statements from my coworkers like, "I was driving down the road and this black man..."

I think it's obvious that Arizona is suffering from a severe discrimination shortage, and they are choosing to make their own instead of importing it from those terrible liberal racists in New York.

If you use that same terminology against the forced birth crowd, they will go insane and go on and on about how only the lowest kind of person could equate a precious baby with a parasite. When one of their own does it? Not so much as an eyebat.

Well, they take up your nutrients and deplete your calcium. I'm always freaked out by that. A baby basically gets it's bones by taking away the mother's bones. A woman has something like 10% less bone density after pregnancy. *Shudder* Yeah I'm not doing that. Ever.

So he's comparing an embryo to a parasite? Because people generally reserve the right to remove parasites from their bodies.

I think they are trying to get away.

We're not talking about children who are just learning to talk hearing a word and repeating it. We're talking about grown-ass adults who have been living and communicating in this world for a long enough time to know better. Also, if a child says that word, he or she would still need to be told, firmly and

I'll put it this way for brevity: I'm trans, my dad used the word "tranny" as a descriptive noun (i.e.: not an insult), and I didn't blow up at him because he seriously had no idea that it was a bad word. He's a professor and part of Safe Zone, even, but also works on cars from time to time, and that word is

The difference is similar to saying "faggot" vs. "gay man", it is the denigration telegraphed by the term. "Tranny" implies negativity and judgement, which it sounds like you are fine with, but some of us are trying to make a world where individuals can be respected in everyday interactions. Fatties and uggos and

To be fair, there are many people who have no idea what terms are appropriate or not. I have hope that well-meaning, poor-speaking people can learn to respect subjugated groups. Look. Most people who use that word don't particularly WANT to learn how to talk to/about the trans community. Education is key. I've

It's almost as if he went up to the one black woman in his yoga class and asked her to articulate her experience.