
It's right because an asian person told me how to do it!

In five years there will literally be no one left to hire. We'll be hedging employment based on hashtag participation.

are we assuming he's from a low-income family....

.__. Have you worked in customer service? I worked 5 years at a coffee shop and, is not that we are intelligent than the customers, there are a LOT of wonderful, perfectly normal customers but 1 of 1o are similar to these stories and are the ones you always remember.

I don't think it's the stories that are coming off as mean-spirited. If you eat out enough, you see people treat the waitstaff rudely. If you don't notice it, then chances are likely you're the one doing it.

I think it's apropos now to mention that I actually used to serve at a bar-restaurant alongside a waitress who is literally, right now, a professional physicist splitting atoms. She, like so many physicists before her, had to GO TO SCHOOL.

You have obviously never worked a job where you have to deal with the public. These assholes DO exist, and you encounter them every single fucking day. And, may I note, the reason many of us remember the assholes is for having the kind of attitude you are exhibiting: that we are stupid and not worth treating like a

You are so the veggie sandwich lady.

You're one of those customers, aren't you?

I hear what you're saying, but can you honestly imagine "deaf and dumb" being used in a POSITIVE manner? It even SOUNDS aggressive. I agree the termination of the the employee wouldn't solve anything, but yeah, even if you didn't know definitively it was a slur, common sense infers that it's at least not nice...

What part of dumb seems inoffensive, here? Sorry. I'm hearing impaired (not deaf), and not speech impaired. I'm pretty astonished at how many people felt deaf and dumb is still appropriate in these comments, especially given how often people on Jez are up in arms over someone being ableist or using the word retard,

Mark, now I'm just curious here....but what kind of penises have you seen? Because none I've ever seen look like they have a giant warty growth on the end.

Yeah, my reaction to the first question was along the same lines. That's misogyny, girl. Figure out why you hate women so much and get on with your life.

People like writer 1 make me sad because I used to be one of them. I drank the misogyny cool-aid and would talk about how I was so above other women. I am super into gaming and baseball and I would lament how girls just don't "get it". I would assume all other women wanted to talk about where things I defined as

Why are you so afraid of universal pronouncements? Eating processed food is a bad thing. We are allowed to do bad things if we want to if they don't harm other people. It doesn't change the fact that it's a bad thing.

i see where you're coming from, but i think i'd buy into this agency argument a little more if it weren't some old white dude from montana writing this book.

Just a quick point from a literature major: can you not treat Gone with the Wind the film and Gone with the Wind the novel as the same thing? There is a lot of difference in the book and the film and using the two interchangeably shows a glaring lack of knowledge of the subject matter.

I love hating things I haven't read, but what really puts the lead in my pencil is hating things that barely exist yet.

especially when her friend in the picture is clearly wearing a sign that says, "Die, Tumor, Die"?

India's constitution is actually MUCH more progressive than ours in the US in many respects.