
I don't actually mind mint, even in relation to chocolate, but this "mint gelee" sounds suspiciously like fancy chef speak for mint jello, which sounds like it would be disgusting on top of chocolate mousse. (Also, generally disgusting. Pretty sure you're not going to find mint jello flying off the grocery store

I am going to your house to eat it with you, cause you said creepy mint goo. Mint haters unite.

She is just saying all these douchey indefensible things because she thinks in the Ivy League it is her birthright to get famous and, if she's not famous enough, she'll get famous by being the world's biggest ashole? That's what's going on right?

I was a woman at Princeton and did not experience what you are reporting. Nor did any of my close women friends. Not to say it did not happen, but I find myself uncomfortable both with your wholesale attack on the institution and with you sharing details of a counselee's rape and aftermath. My mother was a

But WHAT IF you didn't look both ways and you got hit with a penis?? Whose fault is it then HMMMM???

But if you don't look both ways before crossing the street, and I hit you with my car, IT IS STILL MY FAULT. Whether or not it could have been avoided by you taking other precautions is more or less irrelevant since I HIT YOU WITH MY CAR.

I can't imagine it would be any more embarrassing than actually having Ms. Patton as your mother, particularly after her media tour for her book.

The entire staff is just like "we were told we had to have Nancy Grace on here, we knew she'd say something idiotic, let's just move on", and it's great.

I think they were always racist, they just needed the right opportunity to show it.

Hey, if "Redskins" is such a cool term to use, you know, totally *honoring* Native Americans, then why refer to them as "Native Americans" in your pat-yourself-on-the-back speech, Bill Snyder?

I hope most people wouldn't shit on the floor, either!

Bradley Cooper is a beautiful angel. That's not a flannel shirt; that's just his sex wings.

Yeah, maybe drop a few Photoshop articles to make room?

I could probably juggle the details of my life better to be more like Maria Kang, but I would never be able to work out enough and prepare my own meals while juggling the various details of my own life. (I pick and choose between one or the other, most days. I have other obligations that take up time/energy/dedication

You can't implement corrective action without documentation. "Pauline" could theoretically contract Hepatitis C or other hardy blood-born illnesses from this encounter. Not documenting shit like this is a huge protocol risk.

....people take their underwear off when trying on swimsuits?

I wonder if the six people who starred your post realize that those were the authors words. I wonder if you realize those were the authors words.

I'm having trouble seeing the distinction. If MacDonalds creates the boundaries around the revenues, and is aware that there is a severe limit on the budgetary creativity can possibly employ, and is aware that McD worker wages have been uniformly low all over the world for decades (except in countries with a decent

No. Just no. Neither Mr. Pankhurst nor I, veterans of many years of marriage (to each other), could list even one thing that we would not 'let' each other do. Neither of us is constrained by the other, or 'not allowed' to do anything at all.

I dunno. If you can't trust your spouse or girlfriend busy doing the work that they've already excelled at in their chosen field then it's just a form of domestic bullying. How long before she starts covering up and making excuses for bruises?