I am soooo F'ing over SVU. Not only was Mike Tyson a guest star but haven't they had Olivia sexually assaulted at least twice now? YUCK!
I am soooo F'ing over SVU. Not only was Mike Tyson a guest star but haven't they had Olivia sexually assaulted at least twice now? YUCK!
Ah yes. 18 is a great age to get a job that can somehow pay your way though college so you don't drown in student loan debt. It's a great age to go to war. But by all means, we must protect the 18 year olds from pornography
Of course, Lipnitskaia is professional athlete, not a baby.
Heya, I wasn't trying to dismiss your point about things being bad, I just wanted you to understand that for a lot of people (for me anyway) these stories are nothing new. The only new aspect about it is that their finally making the news and people are finally listening to us. I think the internet and social media…
"Racism in the South is everywhere and nowhere, it's louder and somehow quieter." Growing up in (and still living in) Nashville, I don't think anyone could have put this any more succinctly. Thank you, Tracy. It never ceases to amaze me how racist people are here— but the bad part is that they have NO IDEA that they…
Move over, Affluenza, "I am the victim because I made a mistake" will be our newest batshit crazy legal defense.
We're all sorry you're not all Idris Elba too, dudes. We are very sorry about that too.
Nah, I was on Twitter when this all started. The fellas were universally clowning the guy who wrote the poem and this meme was created for the sole purpose of making fun of him and the poem.
I'm a woman and I sometimes find myself feeling sorry that I'm not Idris Elba...someone should start a support group.
Haha I actually think this is really cute. Not so much the poem, but the little things these men do for their women.
That's the thing: he didn't ask.
This person has been an ass up and down this post. I don't think you've even read half of what's been posted. Lightbulb comes across as an above average troll but still obvious. Being from Denmark or not, unless you've been living under a rock you should be aware rights for homosexuals aren't the same as heterosexuals…
Even AFTER people explained to him that it's not about just the church he was STILL an ass about it (saying things like, well why would you want be involved in something that doesn't want you in the first place, which is an asinine argument in itself but I'm not even gonna get into that). He's not a fucking victim and…
The fact that he admitted that he doesn't know what he's talking about makes his flippancy in regards to people fighting for their rights even more disgusting. If you don't give a damn about civil rights, then just stay out of the conversation. Don't try to make it sound like silly bullshit because you're an idiot.
You've been schooled and made to look like an ignorant idiot. Please consider just stopping.
Did you misinterpret what I said? In order to get your marriage recognized by the state, and get all of the associated rights and protections, all you have to do is go downtown and fill out some paperwork. Unless you are gay, then in most states you can't. That's what the whole gay marriage fight is about; gays want…
Because not all marriages are religious ceremonies? After all, it is the state that issues the license, not the church.
It's do easy to kid when the rights are those you've never had to think about and which you've never been denied, isn't it?
O.k. I'll bite. What is this county in which marriage has no legal ramifications?
Our penal code comes in part from the 10 Commandments. Thou shall not steal. Thou shall not murder....