

Ha, I was thinking specifically of San Francisco/Berkeley when I wrote that bit.

I'm Fascinated by your Capitalization choices.

Liz Lemon, a whore in the kitchen and a cook in bed.

I'm going to stick my foot in my mouth and give unsolicited advice. Don't give up your name. Because it's really really bothering you! That gut feeling is what I like to call "the truth of things".
If I could go back in time to see where the compromises I made were going to build a giant wall of resentment, I might be

see the title of this article?

I'm not sure we really disagree, and I think you misunderstand my position. I have no problem with teaching people (in appropriate contexts) how to stay safe, and especially how to stay safe while drinking. I mean, even RAINN has a ton of information available on that topic.

Yeah, he's got quite the obsession. It's pretty fucking creepy to see him use the exact same methods that David Lisak detailed rapists using. They thought that if they didn't use the word "rape" they were home free: he thinks that if he avoids certsin words he can't be accused of using the exact same concepts behind

I'm a general fan of Emily Yoffe's, and I have a huge problem with this article. The reason is that I'm also a rape crisis counselor and community educator.

Hey man, if she/he is “too sleepy” to read an article about the topic at hand (but not too sleepy to continue posting about it on Jez), what makes you think they’ll read your paragraph summation?

dood I linked you to the marriage rape Dear Prudence column.
This is how I know you aren't reading carefully.

And I guess you and Dan Savage are the only ones allowed to interpret Emily's comments. Third parties strictly not allowed.
Got it.

So you have no comment about the women's safety vs. all persons safety thing?

Saw this article headline on Slate yesterday and though to myself, "Self. That article title is idiotic, sexist, and bullshit. Don't bother reading it. Just wait to see which Jezebel author's head explodes by 5pm tomorrow."

I wasn't disappointed. Well done.

I also had many male friends and spent a lot of time alone and inebriated with them. These boys were always respectful and lovely, like brothers, even though there was some sexual tension (we were teenagers, I was cute, they were sorta awkward with most other girls until our late teens... which meant I had the honor

It just staggers me that it never seems to occur to these dudes that women don't want anything to do with them because a) they're consummately unattractive and b) it's coming off them in waves that treating a woman well is nowhere on their list of life priorities.

See, part of the irony to me is that her face does look like that. You can't construct the "face" in picture two without a certain type of bone structure to start with, contouring or no contouring.

Please, if you actually look at a woman wearing a lot of makeup and think that is natural, than you are an idiot.

I can't believe that was what you took away from this.

Every time anyone wants to talk about a universal group ('white people', 'women', 'men', 'Americans', 'whatever') someone inevitably chimes in to point out that they aren't like that as an individual.

To be fair it is a truly Columbus Day related story. You see, in the same way Columbus discovered America is exactly the same way these women discovered braids. It all fits!

I had tears in my eyes this morning when I heard that she won. She's the one who got me into reading short stories in the first place. In my Canadian High School, we read one of her stories almost every single year. What an amazing woman.