
Nothing says “I’m going to wreck your shit” like a proctologist listening to the Doom soundtrack.

Videogames arent for fish.

I’ve seen a lot of complaining and demonstrations of winning most placement matches and still receiving a low placement score. Thing is, I can understand why just winning all of your matches shouldn’t necessarily mean you should be placed in grandmaster ranking. You could have been playing against absolute garbage

Infinite’s fights are fought two-on-two and without call-in assist attacks, which might make some series fans a bit skeptical.

“The first game was released in 2013 with a big cliffhanger that didn’t make it very clear what would happen to Ellie, so it makes sense for Naughty Dog to return to her.”

Lodoss is pretty much the go-to example of perfection in nearly every way, period.

What’s the point of implementing mods on console if you can’t use BBB mods? Why live anymore??

“If Blizzard doesn’t make an announcement to honour their own core values, be sure that we will,”

“Putting blizzard on notice” was stupid and pointless. Blizzard went out of their way BEFORE blizzcon to say that they wouldn’t be discussing it there because they weren’t ready yet.

If people want everyone to stop dressing like Nazis, they’ve got to design cooler clothes for everyone to wear, because, say what you will about the Nazis, their uniforms were stylish, commanding, and somewhat sexy, which is exactly what they were designed to look like. Everyone always says the devil has the best

We’ve continued to reach out to Ubisoft and Bethesda for comment over the years regardless of their positions vis a vis our site. and had asked for comments about The Division before. Recently I heard from Ubisoft that they’d be amenable to doing interviews again, so we talked and I told them that I’ve been wanting to

If you listen to an audiobook done well it definitely adds to the experience. The people who read it are acting it out and giving the characters their own style and voice. If you ever read a book and then later listen to an audiobook of it you might be surprised how unique the experience feels even if the story is

It reminds me of the people who trace or outright steal a piece of art then repost it with a demand that they be given credit as if they did all the work. Quite frankly I want to punt those people into oblivion.

With my experience with VNs, I’d really have to concur with the devs here. Reading it all aloud and showing everybody all of it kinda defeats the incentive for those you’re reading it to to, well, read it. It cuts the actual intended experience out of the process.

Turnaround. A TV show or a movie can go from script to your screen within months. A game, that can be years. Voice work is often done well before anything else is close enough to be shown to the public, so you do not want voice actors talking about projects which are still unannounced or not in a position to be talked

That is what everyone does !

“The other team has no reason to go easier on you as a result”

It really depends on the extension you call.

“The game is bigger than you. Behave,”

You mean we weren’t... supposed to do that?