
You must be new to Kotaku.  This is how these people think.

This is the value of someone on the outside getting to dig deep into the ongoings inside. We are all still benefiting from Jason’s book.
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Cam to find Unforgiven, was not disappointed.

I think it was simply meant more as an invitation to go back and see rather than guide you to perform any further tasks.  They probably should have presented it better since it’s fairly easy to construe that there may be something waiting for you.

To your initial example. I’m actually glad to hear that there was no way to neatly tidy up the consequences of your initial decision to save the family. I think more games with so many choices and scope should make us have to live with the results of our actions, even if we don’t like them. Though, that said, maybe a

So much of the terminology and many of the labels and groups that one side wields like a weapon against the other can often times be laid at the feet of the very same people. It’s like some still can’t fathom that both sides are made up of human beings.

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Huh. Curious.
So a little less than a week ago, a youtube channel uploaded the full version of this along with a bunch of other behind-the-scenes videos for the MK series. They all popped up so suddenly and on some random channel, I wondered if maybe this person happened upon a bunch of it somehow.

did Datto’s group utilize this exploit? Or Goth’s group? Legitimately asking ‘cause I don’t know.  They were both maybe 30 seconds away from killing the final boss a few times last night.  So if they didn’t then no, they did not have to use an exploit to complete it.

Your last paragraph encapsulates so much of why I love playing and watching fighting games.

Whaatt? The professional world didn’t explode the moment someone picked her?? But the internet was so sure we would all be on fire by now...

This is my concern...But I hope Blizzard is patient enough to give it all some time so people can eventually learn and adapt rather than be handed everything...

If any of their female employees have put in the same number of years of development within the company as any of the male senior staff then there’s absolutely a problem (assuming the women wish to move up, of course).
If none of them have, however, I don’t really understand what the problem is.

Another important tip:
Find at least one person you can group with regularly.
Having just one person you can work and communicate with makes a huge difference. That means at least 1/3 of your team is working together, even if the other four people aren’t. You’re more likely to get into the habit of talking and doing

People have strange concepts as to how game development works.

Yep! Funded, all thanks to me (and thousands others)! Intensely excited.

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If the music he’s done for Indivisible so far is any indication, he still has the touch! Game looks promising too.