In many action games, offense and defense tend to feel like two separate mechanics that sometimes talk to each…
In many action games, offense and defense tend to feel like two separate mechanics that sometimes talk to each…
Japan, are you there? Are you listening? Japan? I'm going to say this as clearly as possible, so even the biggest,…
Crisis Core?
Ok, first off, this is not the way they're teaching the kids to solve it. They are teaching the kids why it works. Second, even if the "new" way isn't a good way, it's likely as not simply a poor attempt to address the standard (which is likely something revolving around number sense).
5/6 is part of 8-player, I believe. Normal Smash just goes up to 4.
Lol, did Ridley break the final smash ball?
This week, Sega announced that formerly PS3-exclusive Valkyria Chronicles would be coming to PC November 11, 2014.…
The original Valkyria Chronicles, a gorgeous strategy/RPG for the PS3, is getting a late (but very welcome) port to…
Welcome to DOS.
Now, imagine having to do all that without the internet.
Speaking as a parent and an uncle who is constantly having to come up with small-priced items to get as presents, it is okay. "Which traps do they need? Cool, I'll go spend $12 and make them stupidly happy." That's great.
Game: Mass Effect
I wonder how much of this is protecting Peach's modesty vs not having as high-detailed models on the 3DS. It's a given that the WiiU version will have higher resolution character models, but whether or not that also means extra detail is anyone's guess.
Errm... I imagine it's more to cut down on polygons than any other reason. If Peach's panties are still missing in the Wii U version, then you might have a case, but it's likely meant to save on rendering on an angle that most people won't see often.
Update: Mike Tyson Elected Mayor of Toronto
that day was Christmas 2006 when everyone played Wii Sports bowling
But Quinns, you should also link your podcast about the megagame. It was great too!
The new XCOM board game sounds phenomenal, but last month I played a different kind of XCOM board game. Watch the…
If this was a hoax, I wouldn't even be mad. Just really, really impressed.
The same thing the NFL uses..Gatorade
I'm 100% sure not every human reading this website, many of whom don't collect or purchase LEGO, does.