
Never in my life has pressing a button been so emotional. I can fondly remember other sad game things (the death of Aerith, Palom and Porom turning to stone to save Cecil, the death of Roland), and even Naia’s death didn’t hit me that hard. But anytime I think of standing at the shore and realizing there is another

That definitely sounds a lot better. I think other sites said the same thing about it, so the press release may have been phrased poorly.

a new code base with different gameplay mechanics and RPG systems.

I’m not sure you need one of these to play AC, but I wore on of these at The Void for their Star Wars VR experience, and it was cool knowing that I got shot in the back, and that only my friends were behind me... :-/ :-D

The trick my wife and I do is to put a fixed amount from every paycheck into our own accounts, with the rest going into the joint account. No matter what happens to our salaries as time goes on, no matter the wage disparity, we get a fixed amount of “mad money.” The joint account pays the bills, and of course we spend

Unrelated (Sorry, Zack. Just needed comment somewhere and your article was on top.):

Eh, a device doing this little work is probably unconcerned about its hard drive.

Makes my one-time long commute look like nothing.

I don’t see the issue with mixing a few heavy drinks now and again. 😎

That sounds great in theory, but so many of my fights have come down to the last second that I don’t think I can accurately judge how it’s going to go down, even after a dozen tries. :-/ I wish it were that easy for me.

I think my real problem with consumables is that whether I am victorious in that hard battle or not, that item is gone. It doesn’t come back when I respawn at the nearest statue or site. So, it really could be a waste, so I don’t use it.

Oh, I didn’t until after the fact. I assumed he’d be by the lake, because it was close, but he wasn’t around there, and I forgot about him. :-)

In this case, Boc does tell you he’s going to go to that cave by the water.

OMG! I was just watching Achievement Hunter play Trivial Pursuit 2 and LeChuck was one of the (incorrect) answers, and reminded me of Monkey Island. And then this!


Another dangerous enemy: random wanderer with a torch. Just slowly hobble around with that in front of them and multi-hit Torrent TO DEATH!

I had no idea Windows 10 could do that. 👍

Some of those bloodstains were a bit far from the balcony for my liking. :-)

I saw all the bloodstains in the room at the bottom of that balcony, and said “Nope!” I don’t know why people are dying in this supposedly safe place, but I am not jumping down there!

I feel you, Luke. Even if the damn thing could just go back to the menu without the logos and the online acceptance prompt (Which I already agreed to, stop asking me, FS!), it would be better. And if I quit and there wasn’t music still playing while looking at my desktop for a few seconds. Definitely a console-first