I think you bring up a point that a lot of people overlook in the spanking debate. I rarely see anybody define what they mean by "spanking." My parents spanked me on occasion, but it was pretty rare. They also used open hand three to five times and stopped when I was still pretty young. My wife's parents used wooden…
Exactly this.
I can count the number of times I've spanked my child on one hand. Every single one of those times was at 'high five' intensity (aka, I'm not inflicting pain, I'm getting your attention). They were for things like trying to touch a hot stove, wandering into bodies of water, 'wow that fire sure is pretty I wonder if I…
You can pry my nursing tanks from my cold dead hands.
I've done a fair amount of last minute travel, and a fair amount of actually thinking about this. I'm always shocked when the morning of travel, I'm ready to fly, and they're flying a plane with empty seats, and not willing to give me the ticket for some ridiculous low rate. That seat literally expires in a few hours!…
Seems to me if the kids can't reach the faucet, how can they reach the knobs to turn on the water?
Sony sells $400 consoles. What you are asking for requires much more expensive hardware right now. If that's important to you, you're welcome to spend a couple thousand on the best PC you can buy and wait for game development to catch up.
Pft, untergamers!
It's... it's as though the entire novelty experience is audaciously undesirable atop being wholly unnecessary...!
And that's probably the point of this delay. Microsoft wouldn't want people to realize right away that their next-gen console seller will be just as fun on a last-gen console with last-gen graphics.
Don't hate the player hate the game would be the most appropriate thing for this one. He figured out something that works, that other people hadn't thought of or understand and they're mad/jealous about it. It's working out for this guy and I hope he keeps it going.
I know it's off topic, but do you mind sharing where you purchased your VC3?
In all honesty it's a decently fun game. It's MUCH more fun with friends. But if it hadn't have come packed in with my Wii U, I would have definitely picked it up. You can find it on sale at some places as low as like $20. Easily worth it.
Nearly all of my favorite games are in 480p or worse.
Then how do you read your replies?
graphics dont drive the industry, hardware will continue to evolve and improve regardless of how people use it. Plus, keep in mind diminished returns.
Each generation of electronics improved on itself, thats the logical thing to do, however, it was rarely the most powerful system that was the most successful. Look at…
Well, for one, that would be going backwards. Not even Nintendo does that, seeing as how the 3DS is more powerful than the Wii, and even the Wii U is more powerful than the PS3.
Boy, that Ryse sure is selling so well, and getting all the praise, right? I mean, it's got more graphics than anything else, AND it's made out of QTEs to make the graphics even moar graphics.