
They're complaining, but I would be out there critiquing his technique and offering helpful suggestions.

hold on, just a gosh darn minute. First Beyoncé, and now Rihanna and Karl Langerfield all had better Valentine's Days than me? I might as well throw in the towel.

What's the point of being alive that long if you can't be happy though?

And this is what happens when people make well-meaning laws without sufficient safeguards in place to protect those that need protecting, or without sufficient discretionary clauses.

I agree with all you have stated and respond to that movie still with this image.

I would like to see the experience of having periods represented more in films. It is a part of the cis-female experience, and if it were normalized in film, then I think there would be less shame around it. I don't know that this means showing period sex though. . .

While I also am not a big fan of gross-out comedy, it's been around forever and its here to stay. Go read some Chaucer if you disagree.

This is why I only support movie sex with copious use of strawberry jam. It covers all tastes.

I like to have sex during my period. I've discarded a couple of sex partners who thought of my period as "blowjob week." I don't want to see more period sex in movies. The point of this movie, whether it succeeded at it or not, is to be sexy to a fairly broad audience. Some people find period sex sexy. Some people

I am really digging the outrage over the white feminists trying to keep the black man down because we aren't dropping names of white men who beat their spouses 5+ years ago. Apparently Jezebel needs to add "Charlie Sheen" and "Sean Penn" tags to discussions about Ray Rice.

Your opinion is valid as well - and if she's chosen to accept his apology, that's her right (although I'm still of the opinion, as I've said elsewhere, that victims of domestic abuse often accept many, many apologies). But if this is a PR move, which it basically is - because people are saying this is his way of

This is OT but I have to tell you, I applaud your username. :D

He needs a job.

STAT | 10 million – Number of copies sold, combined, of Assassins Creed Unity and Assassins Creed Rogue in 2014, according to Ubisoft; Far Cry 4 sold 7 million, while Watch Dogs sales now total 10 million units.

The New York Times points out that an arbitrator reinstated Rice in November and suggests that the apology might indicate Rice's return to the league.

I think the problem is that it's a nice little game for mobile when people were expecting an awesome epic game for PC.

So it took him a YEAR to do this?

He can talk all he wants, just he should deliver at least 10% of said. Key word being deliver. Dungeon Keeper, Theme Hospital and others were incredibly well crafted games. Enough with "never before seen groundbreaking ideas", just give us well made, smart, competent game to play!

Not feeding the troll only works to an extent. Every now and then you run into a troll that's so persistent and so vile that, rather than simply not feeding them, you must give them a swift kick in the teeth. Figuratively, of course.

The problem is that, with this issue, not feeding them convinced the trolls that they were right and that pretty much everyone was silently agreeing with them.