
English is my first (and only, sadly) language and I'm still not seeing the problem with what you wrote...

I'm waiting for him to SHUSH me and tell me to CALM DOWN ;)

I agree, I think Kanye has some sort of mental illness, perhaps an undiagnosed case of Narcissistic Personality Disorder?

I really think he's mentally ill with a heavy dose of narcissism. He has to make himself the center of attention. People defended him when it was Taylor Swift because he and Beyonce were seen as the "cool ones" and Swift wasn't, but that shit was gross then and it's gross now. People can make fun of the Grammys; I get

I just want you to know, that totally get it. It's just completely fucking rude how dismissive he is about someone else's creative process, how they may feel in the process of winning a Grammy and how now this win won't be about them but him and his opinions. It's just not fair. Beyonce's album was my favorite for

How Beyonce can sit down with Kanye's head so far up her ass I will never know.

Actually most countries go with national police forces regardless of size. US is one of few that devolves that part of the executive branch so that extent. Couple that with national branches such as US Marshals and FBI (along others) and the US actually has many groups that can do Special Response. SWAT generally

Is Taylor wearing stilts or is Madonna actually a dwarf?

Nope, I'm pretty sure he is clueless. As are you. Because to ask BECK of all people to "respect artistry" means you have no fucking idea who Beck is or what he's about.

I just posted this over on Gawker, but I think it got buried. But anyway, Kanye wasn't trying to be funny in regards to Beck winning over Beyonce. He was just on E! and he said, "Beck should have respected artistry and given his Grammy to Beyonce". It never fucking ends with him. And he obviously has no clue who Beck

Honestly, does there need to be more?


Actually, if it is perceived as a prank, they can and do investigate the legitimacy before they act. It doesn't actually take much to send a patrol car to drive by the house and see if there is anything up. Even if you are planning on a more dramatic response, the cops in the patrol car are the ones who are going to

Fines for freaking swatting someone. Ridiculous.

So, if someone has snapped in my office building and is now roaming between cubical walls putting 9mm holes in peoples heads, exactly how much extra time to look into the legitimacy of my call for help would you consider appropriate? Cause my opinion is zero.

Here's the thing. It's all about response time. That

They scouted, stormed, secured the corners because they are SWAT. Their weapons are on high alert, pointed with both eyes open. They're trained with hostage situations, you think they came in, pointed the guns to the children and shouted at them, "freeze!"?! Their job is to differentiate hostage takers and hostages,

Yes, let's blame the cops for answering a potential hostage situation.

People need to stop saying this. Cops actually don't act on every single call. If they have strong reason to believe it's a fake, they can choose to either ignore it or just send a car to drive past and see if anything is happening. I'm not blaming these specific cops for anything, as I have no information on how

I think you're taking about social response units. Somebody else put together a more comprehensive list:

After the swat is proven to be a false call, yes they often do apply for warrants to track down the caller, this is not done with out repercussions. SWAT si built for act now situations, and as the majority of calls are accurate, and the kind of situation they are called into, they have to act on every one of them.